Keith stated in the Smoothbore section:
This is a good topic and deserves to be looked into...
When "I" polish any moving part (sear, tumbler, fly, whatever), I am only smoothing out the factory roughness in the metal...
I'm not really removing any measurable amount of metal, just smoothing out the burrs so the part will move freely and not bind...
A trick that I do is to mark the part to be smoothed with layout dye (or a magic marker) and smooth the burrs slowly, removing only dye from the suspected area...
The dye will let you know it you got the roughness out from the area you want, it will look shiny (no dye), the area you don't want metal removed from will still have dye on them if you polish correctly...
I use fine emery paper stapled to a flat pop-sickle stick, or even my wife's emery file for her fingernails...
Once done, I clean off the dye with rubbing alcohol, oil and reassemble...
I have wondered if polishing the sear, but was leary of trying it. Can you describe how you do it? I guess you are just cleaning the sear up and smoothing it. Right? Any pitfalls to watch out for?
This is a good topic and deserves to be looked into...
When "I" polish any moving part (sear, tumbler, fly, whatever), I am only smoothing out the factory roughness in the metal...
I'm not really removing any measurable amount of metal, just smoothing out the burrs so the part will move freely and not bind...
A trick that I do is to mark the part to be smoothed with layout dye (or a magic marker) and smooth the burrs slowly, removing only dye from the suspected area...
The dye will let you know it you got the roughness out from the area you want, it will look shiny (no dye), the area you don't want metal removed from will still have dye on them if you polish correctly...
I use fine emery paper stapled to a flat pop-sickle stick, or even my wife's emery file for her fingernails...
Once done, I clean off the dye with rubbing alcohol, oil and reassemble...