Powder horn question ?

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Po tas si um Per man ga nate. Accent is on the second syllable in both words. PO is pronounced like POLE, with a long O sound. The rest of the syllables have the short sound, as in Tas= as; si= see; and um = Yum. Per= per; man=man; ga= ga as in " gather"; and nate= NATE, short for Nathan.

Just slow down. Many people try to rush pronouncing 4 and 5 syllable words, and panic when any word is over 3 syllables. There is really no reason to do so. Long words are simly compellations of short syllables from common words. Now, we all have concerns, legitimately, when we are asked to pronounce words and names in a foreign language, simply because we don't know those rules of pronunciation. Potassium is close enough sounding like Museum, that we don't have much problem understanding how to pronouce this Latin word. Permanganate is actually a modern word, and is as much American as anything else.
You can also experiment with leather dyes and wood stains for different effects and colors, if your looking for a black throat on your horn, use fiebings usmc black, leather dye, covers very well, penetrates deep and is black as black can get, very intense!
Cooner54 said:
A lot of horners boil them in Rit berries.

OK Cooner,what's your next "home spun" tip ? Could it be perchance "nose grease"?
Tom Patton
who has access to a great rit berry grove.
I have not had very good luck with the potassiun permanganate, it fades out and rubs off or I'm not using it right, anyhow I went to the rit dye method and it works great.Sibleys got some good information on dying horn in their book.
THANKS GUYS Appreciate all the help!Workin on a patch knife right now.I think that means I'm officially hooked!

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