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Prepping for squirrel hunting …

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Okie Huntsman

32 Cal
Jan 7, 2023
Reaction score
I’ve been wanting to get a small caliber muzzleloader to squirrel hunt with for several years but couldn’t bring myself to let got of $500-$600 to purchase one. Not a gun in my safe cost that much. Anyway, since they’re scarce as hen’s teeth now I thought about taking a different route. I was given this little Traditions 50 cal Buckskinner rifle. Not sure it qualifies as a “traditional” muzzleloader but it is based on traditional percussion design.

I thought I’d see if it was accurate enough to use to squirrel hunt. I mean, if your going to hunt squirrels with a 50 caliber you got to hit them in the head. I have been trying several different bullets with it. I cast some varieties of conical bullets and some round balls even though the twist rate is not as round ball conducive as some. I’m not sure if it is going be as accurate as I need it to be but I’m going to continue to work with it. Hey, it’s an excuse to shoot more, as if a fellow needed one.

I got decent results with round balls patched with a fairly thick pillow case patch loaded with 30 grains of 777 yesterday. Good enough results that I thought I’d take a walk behind the house to try to take something that is in season. I came across this “buck” (it really is an buck) and it presented me with a shot. The gun shot well for that shot anyway. Plus I got supper.


I’ll go back to punching holes in paper to try to get a more consistent 30-35 yard load for this gun But so far I’m pretty pleased.
I’ve checked our regs 9 ways to Sunday and can’t seem to find that restriction. Believe me, I’ve thought about it. I figure the game warden will let me know if it’s there. If I come up with a 32 caliber gun before May it wont matter… it I’m not holding my breath.
I’ve checked our regs 9 ways to Sunday and can’t seem to find that restriction. Believe me, I’ve thought about it. I figure the game warden will let me know if it’s there. If I come up with a 32 caliber gun before May it wont matter… it I’m not holding my breath.
You may want to contact Oklahoma wildlife. I believe I read you can only use shotguns for squirrel.
You may want to contact Oklahoma wildlife. I believe I read you can only use shotguns for squirrel.
Nope, I know that’s not the case. Never have used a shotgun to hunt squirrels. Single shot Revelation 22 when I was a kid, Ruger 22 pistol until about 35, Ruger 22 scoped rifle for a spell and now Savage 22/410. Even carrying that I avoid shooting squirrels or rabbits with the shotgun side if I can at all.
Nice shot on the rabbit. I know in Ohio any caliber is fair game for small game, and if you’re lucky where you’re at will be that way too. I’ve certainly barked squirrels with my 50 caliber Kentucky rifle in my younger days before I could afford my 32 caliber or get my hands on my smoothbore. Worst case scenario, you’ll get very accurate and it will make you a better shot overall.
Well, Okie, that rifle right there will do just fine for squirrels. One word of caution - when using a rifle (even a .22 unmentionable) NEVER shoot at one where the bullet won't be stopped by a tree trunk, ground, or limb. When that ball comes down (and it will), it is lethal to anything it hits.

My hunting buddies and I've hunted squirrels over 70 years with about every caliber and gauge you'll ever see. Good safety habits and common sense always. Enjoy the rifle you have. I'd have loved to have one just like it at one time, but no one made them yet. By the way ..25 squirrel daily limit !!!! Wow. We get six in Missouri.
Congrats on a nice headshot. :thumb: Didn't do nearly as much damage as I expected. I have literally decapitated squirrels with a .36.

Just out of curiosity, what the heck is a "missile" as used in the regs?
lol … If you look closely, it goes with “hand propelled.” So a rock, baseball, etc. I guess if a fellow is good enough. I just know that fellow ain’t me. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Well, Okie, that rifle right there will do just fine for squirrels. One word of caution - when using a rifle (even a .22 unmentionable) NEVER shoot at one where the bullet won't be stopped by a tree trunk, ground, or limb. When that ball comes down (and it will), it is lethal to anything it hits.

My hunting buddies and I've hunted squirrels over 70 years with about every caliber and gauge you'll ever see. Good safety habits and common sense always. Enjoy the rifle you have. I'd have loved to have one just like it at one time, but no one made them yet. By the way ..25 squirrel daily limit !!!! Wow. We get six in Missouri.
Yea, I think that limit is stupid. But for whatever reason Fish and Game decided it was what they wanted. Personally I’d hate to have to clean that many at one time.
This is a good post! I can't imagine shooting a rabbit or a squirrel with a 50 cal. Lol (don't forget I'm new at this). Damn if you dont hit right in the head there will be nothing left? A shotgun???
As kids we always used 22's but would carry a 410 or 20 gage incase it was left in a place you couldn't get to. So yes the shotgun was just a removal process. We were lazy kids. Other then that I haven't been hunting in forever (except 2 legs, while in military).
I planning to do some squirrel, dove and rabbit this year. I figure I'll stick with what I know at first.
I'm learning more and more everyday by you all and Plan on burnin some powder very soon! Can't wait!!!
Yeah, cause of you all lol.
Some of yall are great, the others???? Well???
Lol just kiddin
Not me either.

It also says air propelled missile. But hey...I CAN at least understand a slingshot! 🤣
We’re planning a trip up your way this summer. Want to see the start of the mighty Mississippi. My son is a sophomore at OU. We told him to choose the area of the US he wanted to see this summer and he chose Minnesota and the Dakotas. So we got it in the planning stage. We went to Maine, Vermont, NH … some Northeast states a couple of years ago.
We’re planning a trip up your way this summer. Want to see the start of the mighty Mississippi.
We were just in your neck of the woods in October. Spent a month in Texas in our RV, but traveled down I35 through OK city and back up the Eastern side via 75 and 69. We saw some beautiful country. Stayed at one of the nicest state parks I've been in near Canadian, OK: Arrowhead State Park.

You'll be in lake country up there. Take your fishing gear!