This is the way I conduct my ebay sales. If you want to pay the buy-it-now price, by all means, pay it. But if you want the best price, throw in on the auction OR make me an offer.
I do the same thing on my trade blanket. You CAN pay sticker price, or we can talk about what you think my products are worth then come to an agreement. Too many folks don't even want to try these days.
A bladesmith friend of mine makes "kids knives" to teach youngsters about the idea of value and a fair price. In stead of slapping Dad's hundred dollar bill down, my friend requires there to be a dialog about the value of the knife and the price they are willing to pay. He usually lets them go for 5 or 10 bucks because the process is more valuable to him than the time it took to make the knife.
I end my ramble here.