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36 Cl.
Dec 2, 2022
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Got some Ren Wax and tried it on a couple stocks; seemed to work pretty good. After checking out previous threads I'm getting the impression many folks use it on their barrels to protect against rust. Am I understanding this correctly?

I’m glad you mentioned Ren Wax because it is new to me and I will check it out. I use Turtlewax car paste wax on my barrels. On the full stock rifles I use it on the part of the barrel in the barrel channel.
I really don't know as this is the first time I ever applied wax to any of my firearms. I'm happy with the Ren Wax but kind of wished I had tried the Johnsons first. As Deerstalker says Ren is pricey. Back in 65 my parents had an oak hardwood floor put in the living room. The finish carpenter that lived up the road aways did it for us. To save money my parents put the wax finish on themselves. They used a hard wax made for wood floors called Butchers wax. They rubbed it in and buffed it by hand. A lot of hard work but it wore like iron. I'll bet that would work also.

Johnson's has been discontinued, and the price for an unopened can is hitting 80 bucks on various websites. The next best option is probably Minwax Paste Wax.
Yeah, I saw the prices on Johnsons. I don't need to buy the Johnson name that bad. I think BWC still makes "Bowling Alley Wax" and "Boston Wax". Not sure if either will work; need to look into it.
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I like Johnson Paste Wax for most paste wax use but if has been discontinued then I'll find something else. It does last a long time if you don't slop it on heavy. I do have one full can and about 1/4 of another can on hand I also have a 3/4 tin of Renaissance wax and Briwax on hand also.
FWIW the guys over on the Bladesmith Forums are also complaining about the high price of Renaissance Wax. More than a few chimed in and said they're using Butchers Bowling Alley Wax as a viable alternative ... nevermind it's only $16 for a 1-pound tub!
I didn't know Johnson past wax had been discontinued,there's a little old school 5 and dime store in town that just might still have some left,I'll check next time I'm in town and hopefully pick up a can of two.I use it sometimes in bullet lube concoction for unmentionables.
Been using Minwax , Special Dark furniture wax as the maintenance , and finish preservation coat over stock , and barrel. I use the dark wax , as it doesn't turn white , and ooze out , in hot weather.
Rennaisance Wax is wonderful!! I got my first tin at a collector's show, nearly 5 yrs ago,. I'm finally finishing it & need to restock.
I use it on gun wood & metal. Never had a problem w/ rust or corrosion w/it. Good pastw wax (except for cars or basic wood wax seems a memory.
I recommend trying it, if you haven't.