rice barrels........

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just got off the phone with rice himself and got my order in....he said it would be shipped in 8 weeks....should i hold my breath....so far the lock, stock and barrel are under way....yippie......................bob
I called LC during lunch hoping to get through. The first time it was busy, the second time I got through. I went ahead and ordered my B profile .40 barrel. He said I should have it in 6 to 7 weeks.
Anybody know how much a Rice 54cal. 38" C profile weighs?
The C Colerain weighs 4.2lbs. I want to got lightweight with a Virginia style .54cal..from what I've just read callin up and askin LC ain't much of an option.
I've been reading this thread and couldn't help but notice that a lot of what is in here has also been said about Getz,Rayl etc. In addition to looking at a supply house's stock let me make a suggestion that may help some. If you are lucky enough to be within driveing distance of a show(NMLRA shoot,Dixon's etc.)try them out. About Five minutes after walking into the CLA show last August I had a 54 cx42" rice in hand. Rice,Getz and Rayl show up every year and they all bring extras to sell there. Also L.C. was selling his at a $5 discount and the $10 shipping I would have paid got me in the show. :m2c:
Oh Bob qwit cher grinnin, ya looks like a cheshire cat. Now the fun begins. :crackup:

:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::............bob
Well, you guys have drug me back to the board. Sorry for my lack of posts :master: - like L.C. we've been swamped, and unless I want to stay up past mid-night I'm not surfing the web much right now. However, someone brought this thread to my attention so here I am.

I'll get to Rice in a moment. However, let me first extend an invitation to those of you who have never run your own business to come down to NC and spend a week here in the shop with me. Let me warn you first though of my expectations of you.

You will be expected to be in the shop by 8:30am and you will not leave until it's time to go to bed usually around 11pm. From 9 in the morning until 5 or 5:30 each evening, you will be expected to answer the phone. However, not just answer the phone, but be polite, answer questions, address concerns, shoot the s#@t with the guys who want to talk, yet manage to get back off the phone so the next person can get through. When you are not on the phone, you are expected to process orders, pack orders, and ship orders all before UPS arrives each evening. You will get a chance to have lunch, but you are still expected to put down your sandwich to answer the phone. Once a day you are to reply to e-mails which usually takes 2-3 hours. Plan ahead.

If you find you've completed all that work you are to then begin all the business side of things - pay bills, balance the checkbook, cut payroll checks to all those hard working AMERICAN people we employ, check inventory levels and place orders for things you may need.

If you get caught up on that then you are to begin work on making sure you have all the hotels booked, trip routes planned, and lecture materials up to date for the upcoming show season. Oh, and you are to also put together two to three lectures, teaching guides, and programs that you will personally be giving at these shows. These are to help educate everyone on building rifles or locks, the history behind them, and the technical aspects of muzzleloading. I know, not everyone in this industry volunteers to give back to the muzzleloading community like this, it's our choice. However, we at Chambers (and Rice) give freely of our time to help keep this tradition, and the history behind it, alive through these efforts (futile as they seem sometimes).

You can take a break at supper time for an hour or so, but since it's after business hours and the phone is not ringing now, boy you can get a lot more done until it's time for bed. So back at it!

Warning though! All of these things may be interrupted at any time when a visitor stops by unannounced, the weather shuts down the shop, you have to take a load of packages to the post office 10 miles away (we can no longer just put them out in the mailbox, Darn Terrorists! :curse:), or the ailing grandmother next door needs help again. Then the whole day gets behind.

Yeh, I made the choice to work for myself, but in this industry you can quickly work yourself to death. If we were just in it for the money there's no way any of us would be here. We do this because we love the history that we continue to keep alive. We do this because it is a part of who we are and where we came from.

So, I pose to all of you that I've invited down to spend the week with me - how much would you expect to be paid to meet your own expectations? I've read a lot about how each of you think a business should be run. So you tell me - how much are you willing to pay to have me at your beckon call and how long are you willing to wait to get your products while I'm talking to you on the phone or replying to e-mails. Remember, factor in that I can't work 24 hours a day, I have to sleep, I have to eat, and occasionally I have to take a vacation. So what's the price?

Please don't take me the wrong way. I'm not trying to be a smart ass here. I just want people to realize there's only a few of us doing all that we can to provide all of you guys with the best quality products. We're not ignoring you when we don't answer your calls or when we don't respond to your e-mail right away or even if we don't return your messages. And for sure it's not that we don't want your business - for sure it's not that we don't want to talk to you - and for sure it's not that we don't need your business. It's just that there is only one or two of us to do the work that the 10,000 of you want done.

I know my response sounds like the Chambers business was the subject here not Rice, but please realize that I see L.C. and the Rice boys on a weekly basis. I see how hard they are working, I see the stress they are under on their faces and I hear how frustrated they are that they can't respond as quickly to demands as you all would like, heck - as fast as they would like. Most of all I know exactly how they feel. I see the same look on all of us and I feel the same frustrations. So this whole thread could be applied to any one who has a small business in a large market.

Whew - got me a little fired up there!! :redface:

Now as for Rice, I'll make a deal with you guys. If you are trying to place an order with him and have tried unsuccessfully several times to reach him - call me (828) 667-8361 or fax me (828) 665-0852. I'll take the order for you and pass it to him the next time he calls or the next time he's here in the shop (every two weeks).

Why you ask would I pile on more work to my huge pile I listed above? Simple - the more time I can give L.C. to get in the shop and make barrels, the faster my rifle kit customers get their barrels, and the less I have to be on the phone with them explaining where their barrels are. Basically, I'd much rather help out my neighbor and make sure my customers are happy, than to have to go through a conversation like the one on this thread.

:m2c: Barbie Chambers
thank you very much fer your hard work....and i might add if i could come down there i would work fer no pay just to learn what you guys do as an apprentice fer the first 2 or 3 years to show you my humble thanks :master: :master: :master:.........bob
Thanks Bob! There is another plus to coming down - us Southern Ladies sure do know how to keep a fella fed. ::
I was at your shop not long ago and got a lock and trigger from you. I didn't show up unexpected as I called and asked if you were going to be there and told you what time I would arrive so as not to waste your prescious time. I know I have been in business myself.
I must say I was treated like royalty while I was there. I could see that the pleasing the customer with the best product you could, was your top priority. I believe that is what most self employed people want to do . And they are in business because that is what the love to do.
I would like to applaude you and your husband for running a top knoch business and believe that your products are second to none.
I will wait for a barrel from LC if it takes longer, rather than to do my business with a mass produced barrel maker. Wally Worlds in the world have put enough small mom & pop places under as it is. and I plain refuse to make a piece out of a foreign companys parts.
I know time is money but a simple reply to customers is all that is needed in many cases to stop the things such as this thread IMHO.

I agree, a phone call is always appreciated! Trust me there is another known barrel maker besides Rice that could help me out tremindously by doing just that. All being said though I'll take on the task of helping out LC anytime if it means that Rice says in business! Just call me! ::
:sorry: Hope I didn't get cross ways with you on this one Miz Barbie! There was fire in them words.

Just thought I would post this as it is very timely to what Miz Barbie posted. I just missed a call from LC. It was 9:20 EST. I tried twice to call him back and it was busy both times. I can only assume he is calling someone else back.

You got em on the run !



I am still waiting for my Rice bbl.

No fire Packdog, just a little spunkiness. That's what I get for watching the Nightly News - those broadcasters can sure get me stirred up and fiesty! :shake: Guess these late hours have gotten to me too. Luckily I have a vacation coming soon. I promise to be less fiery after that!! Sun and palm trees make all things better! ::

Ok Leo, shoot me an e-mail with your barrel type, length, caliber and I'll hit him up for ya.

I do have to confess guys, I can usually get a call back the same day from LC, but then I am a young blonde after all. Can't blame the guy! :eek:
I do have to confess guys, I can usually get a call back the same day from LC, but then I am a young blonde after all. Can't blame the guy! :eek:

Ok, Barbie. Now you HAVE to put your avatar picture on.
Miz Barbie,
I'll be calling or e-mailing you as well. If you don't mind? I'm in no hurry for my barrel and do not see any reason to bother LC if you are offering to pass a message on to him.
Thanks :master: :master:

Oh, Yeah :relax: Maybe watch the Blue Collar tour and stay away from the Nightly News. :crackup: :)
Oh, Yeah :relax: Maybe watch the Blue Collar tour and stay away from the Nightly News. :crackup: :)

Aas Larry the cable guys says. guns don't kill people , men who come home early kill people! :youcrazy::crackup: :crackup:

hey guys mr rice called me back bout 8:00 pm from the message i left him on his answering machine earlier....we both had a good laugh when he relized it was me that ordered the barrel earlier when i spoke to him on the phone then....but he did return my call :thumbsup:..............bob

P.S....barbie....your very much welcome :winking:....
I hope you folks at Chambers keep on answering the phone and Bull......g with us folks who have technical questions, and then we just order a whitelightning liner or can of Chambers finish.
If LC wasn't such a nice fella and didn't talk to everyone who calls like he's known them all his life he could probably take more orders.
I have no problem with either of you and I expect, and plan, on waiting for a quality product.

Thats not really true, I do have a little problem with Chambers.... You need to offer a better variety for us Left Handers!!!! A late Ketland lock would be nice. Or more of your kits in LH, with mayber an A or B profile barrel option.
Oh well, us 15% of the population just gotta be happy with what we've got I guess. :crackup:
You're right, LC does have a little bit of a problem with talking to folks. If you guys ever call him and its busy, then try to call me and it's busy take a guess whose on each others phone line. He held me hostiage last night for at least an hour with a converstion about the upcoming shows this year. :: :yakyak: :: But hey, I'll take being able to talk to him frequently over months going by with nothing any day! :D Oh, and I guess I am a little guilty as well of being chatty! :crackup:

Well, just for you Southpaw guys, I'll stay on Dad about getting the left handed Gunmakers lock out. It won't solve all your problems, but at least give you a little more design freedom! :)