Thanks for the chance to dream abit. Let me know when next year's tickets are available. I'll just throw these in a draw for ten or twenty years and sell them as ephemorium on what ever passes for Ebay then.
Slowpoke, thanks for all the fun and anticipation of Christmas. I guess you will have to wait till next year to meet me :haha:.
Now wait a minute. You said only one ticket was drawn. I thought you were having a special forum members only drawing for a very special patch knife. If you haven't pulled it yet, don't hold the hat for sse to pull the ticket. He would want his $1.29 before he gave you the ticket :crackup:. Also make sure you lost the address for anonymous, he already has his patch knife and his money.
Thank you for letting us participate in your club drawing. Your club is very generous to allow us to participate. Best wishes for a successful 2005 with all of your club activities.