ROA Accuracy

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32 Cal.
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
All of a sudden the accuracy of my stainless ROA has gone out the door.
shooting 30 grs. 3F. corn meal filler, ball seated to the top of the
cylinder, I have been shooting this load often, it just started flying all over the 3'x3' target back.
I changed to 30,25,20 grs.
I can not get it to sand bag group at 25 Yds. 2 @ 1:00, then 1@ 6:00, then 1 at center then 1 @ 10:00. if I were to measure it, it would be a 18" group. usually I can shoot a 4" group off hand at 25 Yds. I even had another shooter shoot it with the same results. I tried # 11 cci, # 11 rem. and #11 mag. caps same results.
Guns barrel is spotless, It is not shaving lead.
It's probably a leaded barrel. The barrel will look spotless, but the lead is there.
Did you change ball diameters? They should be .457 diameter. Maybe you picked up .451's or .454's by mistake. :idunno:

HH 60
Could be many things which have to be eliminated one at a time.

1. Is the rear sight or screws loose?
2. Change in the seating pressure of the ball?
3. Change in grip pressure?
4. Change in hand position, up or down on the

etc, kind of doubt if change is sudden and instant leading is the cause, sounds like a human change.
Since it was shooting well then the groups deteriorated, something must have changed. Barrel leading is the likeliest, or the barrel crown could have taken a dent. Also there is a possibility of the revolver timing getting out of whack so that the chambers don't line up as well as they should. The sights may be loose as has been mentioned. If you are unable to determine what has changed then perhaps a good pistolsmith could help. Good luck GWW
Take a good look at the back end of your nipples! If the orifices get irregular/enlarged a tack-driver turns into something throwing a shotgun pattern! Take this from someone who knows this first hand!

1. Use a good lead solvent such as Shooters Choice and a new bore brush to de-lead the bore!

2. Change those old nipples!

3. Enjoy your revolver again, it's that easy!

I agree w/ smokin 50,
clean as if you had a leaded bore, even if you think you don't. Pay paticular attention to the forcing cone.
Eroded nipples allow different amounts of chamber pressure to escape causing loss of accuracy. It can seem sudden. even though it happens over time.
Check all of the suggested items in this thread and it's bound to be one or more of them.
Jon D
When I say not shaving lead I mean that as it is fired it is not spitting lead out of the side of the forcing cone, it does trim lead as it should as ball get seated into the cylinder.
I'am using .457 balls.
i will proceed as if were leaded,all I have really used is a stainless steel wire brush to clean.and swab
i agree as well. check the nipples. enlarging of the nipple holes due to firing will enlarge the holes and accuracy will suffer. replace as needed. :idunno:
utahhntnful said:
When I say not shaving lead I mean that as it is fired it is not spitting lead out of the side of the forcing cone, it does trim lead as it should as ball get seated into the cylinder.
I'am using .457 balls.
i will proceed as if were leaded,all I have really used is a stainless steel wire brush to clean.and swab

I figured out what you meant after rereading your post.
Making any progress?
You say that your powder is 3f but you didn't say if it is one of the BP substitutes. If, perchance, you are using one of the substitutes, that stuff has a relatively short shelf life and will change due to its tendency to absorb moisture from the air. Any substitute stored properly will last up to 1 year but in most instances, it will deteriorate before that. If you are using a substitute, try buying a new container of the brand that you have been using and see if that helps.
That is also an possibility! I've seen first-hand what bad powder can do to ruin someone's day! A friend loaded bad powder twice into his rifle. It miss-fired both times. We pulled both loads :cursing: and then came-up with an idea: After a thorough range cleaning with BP cleaner and several caps to clear the nipple, we got it to fire the rest of the day by using my powder instead of his!

Powder is older it is not a is GOEX
It fired every time, just lost accuracy. I will try a newer can of 3 f, Right now she is corked up and soaking in Hopps # 9 plus. I will use a new copper or stainless brush to remove any lead BU there might be. when I had my buddy shoot it, I had him use all of his components, He also shoots a ROA. And is the best shooter in our club, It made me feel better when he got the same results.
You're welcome and good luck with the "soak" :thumbsup: . Having the best shot in your club try his hand at it removes some of the variables and gets it narrowed-down a little! :wink:

Happy Easter!
