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Roundball Feral Donkeys!

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Fred, you forgot about Australia's restrictive gun laws. Rich hunters want to use bolt-action repeaters at the very least unless they're rich enough to afford a genuine large caliber double rifle.

Muzzleloaders aren't really their thing.

Al the "solutions" to problems so far has resulted in the near extermination of Australia's native species.
I agree w/ you. My post was a "tongue in cheek" attempt at illustrating the futility of controlling invasive species w/ another invasive specie and the harm they can wreek on the native species.

For whatever reason, Australia has more than their fair share of invasive species.....and many were introduced intentionally or neglegently.

Really don't think that introducing African lions would be beneficial in the long run...always some unpredictable consequences......Fred
Our gun laws are restrictive, but a licence is readily obtainable by anybody who abides by the law. We are entitled to own as many bolt-actions, double rifles, lever-actions or single-shots as we like. That includes the fancy heavy-duty modern long-distance rifles. The firearms that are restricted are semi-autos, full-autos, handguns and pump-actions. These are available only in a limited way to primary producers or vermin control personnel. I would love to be able to own and use some of the cool gear you guys in the USA can!

Yep, feral animals are an issue, and the only good solution so-far is shooting (aside from rabbits, dogs, foxes and cats which can be trapped, diseased or poisoned - and some of those fixes are problematic).

Cheers guys!

The grass on the other side is greener. It's funny that you said that. I hate any gun law, and contribute to fighting them. However in spite of the fact that I can buy simi autos and military styled guns I ain't got no use for them.
Because they're obviously more "evil" than a lever-action!

Actually, it gets crazier! I can easily buy a pump-action Remington .30-06, but a pump-action 12ga. is a big no-no! Absolutely stupid!
It is illegal to own a firearm for self defence unless you have the specific security licence to do so. I am not actually against reasonable firearms laws. Hunting should require skill, not an ability to spray as much lead as possible.

What we have seen since firearm laws were tightened is a move by the media to stop blaming gun control or lack of it for crime. Most crime now is committed with illegally imported firearms which takes the heat off the recreational shooters since you can't ban what isn't legal in the first place.

Not everyone agrees with my opinion. That's fair enough but the statistics speak for themselves.
So my .300 Savage Model 760 Remington pump (that is my "got to hog exterminator") is OK but my old police Model 870 riot-gun isn't lawful????
(WEIRD in the 1st degree.)

Are double-barrel shotguns legal for home/farm defense in AUS??

yours, satx
Satx, I'm not totally sure, but I think that they frown on defending yourself here.

Kapow, I actually agree with the points you make! Cheers!
I just got home from the World Long Range ML matches in North Carolina. I was next to the Australian team at the hotel. Very nice bunch of folks it was wonderful to get to know them.

I introduced them to root beer. Then a couple of nights latter treated them to root beer floats and some good rye whiskey.

One of the guys job was to kill the wild dogs, rabbits etc.

The next world match is in 2017 in Adelaide Australia. Thinking about going. It would be fun to do some hunting while in the country with a rifle.

Ben K said:
Our gun laws are restrictive, but a licence is readily obtainable by anybody who abides by the law. We are entitled to own as many bolt-actions, double rifles, lever-actions or single-shots as we like. That includes the fancy heavy-duty modern long-distance rifles. The firearms that are restricted are semi-autos, full-autos, handguns and pump-actions. These are available only in a limited way to primary producers or vermin control personnel. I would love to be able to own and use some of the cool gear you guys in the USA can!
Cheers guys!


My bad. I thought that all guns that were repeaters were outlawed. I'm surprised they let lever-actions skip through. I've seen some quick follow-up shots with a Model 94 Winchester (not including "The Rifleman" TV show).
I agree. :bow:

A gun is just a tool like a hatchet, chain saw or bulldozer but put a crazy person in charge of any of them and he can really cause some damage.

Control the "crazies" and you control most of the problems. The trouble is the "crazies" are running our country. :td:
The Australian gun ban is the result to the (IMO) over reaction by the government to the Port Arthur massacre, where a nut named Martin Bryant killed 35 people and wounded 23 others.

Following his trial Bryant was sentenced to 35 life sentences plus 1,035 years imprisonment.

The account I read said he used at least two semi-automatic rifles to kill men, women and children.

I didn't see anything that said a pump shotgun was used.

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Actually, it wasn't primarily "over reaction"; instead it is yet another case of STUPID & SELF-INTERESTED politicians who want to do "something" about every perceived problem, even though their "solutions" are often WORSE than the problem.
(To me, "politician" is a CURSE WORD.)

just my OPINION, satx
Great story and pictures thanks for sharing. Have you or anyone you know ever tried eating one? I have heard horse flesh is good eating. Just never had a chance to try it myself.
:hmm: Odd isn't how hard it can be to see a donkey as a rat, or Asian carp. Here in the U.S. it is a leap to be ok with shooting a donkey at all, let alone not using the meat :shocked2:

Yet I would shoot a Norwegian rat, or a summer coyote with hardly a thought.

And a guinea pig is a little girls pet here, and her lunch in South America. :wink:
I don't see why the two have to be mutually exclusive: lunch and little girls pet? :barf:
G'day House, yes, a Dutch (now Aussie) mate of mine eats them, as does a well-known Aussie hunter and fellow muzzleloader who married a lady from the Philippines. They cook it up as stews and curries, and feed it to unsuspecting visitors who can't taste any difference.