Ruger problems.

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Part #31 is the mainspring seat. Does yours have that installed? It almost has to for the gun to work at all. Does it have all the coils, (did someone clip a few off before you bought the gun)? I can count the coils on mine tonight if you need me to for comparison.

I have read that ROA have 0.005" clearance between hammer point and nipple to prevent nipple damage during dryfiring. I have not measured to confirm. If it is, and your hammer tip is worn, or nipples too deep, or cylinder gap to great, this might manifest itself in misfires.

So. if it turns out the mainspring is OK, check the clearance between hammer and nipple when the hammer is forward.

Yeah,I figured that out, I found a little better schematic and looked at my (DADS) .44 and figured out it is a flat plate that the whole spring/strut assmebly sits on and passes through.I have checked on cylinder play before and nipple/hammer clearance. I am going to shim it up and see if that helps.If that works Im going to get a stronger spring or at least a new one. Hell, if a shim works I could just leave it in there.Last night I looked at it and saw the hole in #25 and thought that a pin should be in there above the retention plate (31) but quickly realized that it wouldnt allow full play of the strut.Thats what I get for posting first and thinking second.
If you cock the hammer and stick a properly sized nail or pin through the hole, you will be able to decock the hammer and remove the strut and spring assembly.
Yup, you can get it right here:
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I should of gotten back to y'all on this subject, but frankly I thought that I came off as quite the moron on this thread. I never had a manual on it. I took Oldwolfs advice on disassembly and found by trial and error the correct size shim.A small washer between the spring and the strut made the hammer fall much harder. My suspicions were proven correct, it now fires off caps with much better reliability.I don't know if I will try a better spring, or just keep my rube goldberg solution in place.