FWIW, if you send it back to TC, they'll fix it no charge...and often the fix is to install the new style breechplug with a cleanout screw, and if they do that, it also gets you a complete reblue job
:shocked2: :shocked2: I love my "used and (not pitted) abused" look to my Bbl, which may be why I never sent it back. Would have to get used to it all over again. I have many fond memories of that poor rifles abuse. One time I was running through manzaneta with it held infront of me as a shield, it's my first work-horse ML and has been with me sence 1983(ish). Many years of trial and error, testing new stuff on it, in it, and around it. Hunting ground squirrls in the foothills below Yosemite, ah the memories. :yakyak: