Hey necchi,
Using a knot in the saddle stitch will cant (tilt) the stitch up on one side, so it's basically an all or nothing deal.
Ӣ If you use a diamond awl correctly or a daimond chisel to make the holes, your stitches will all be slanted slightly using the "normal" saddle stitch, and it looks really good.
Ӣ If you drill holes and use the normal saddle stitch, the stitches will all line up straight like you'd see with a sewing machine. Still looks good but noticeably different than awl-punched.
Ӣ If you use drilled holes and put the knot in one side, it will raise the stitch on that side of the hole to look just like it was made with a diamond awl and not a drilled hole.
Regardless of whether you use a drilled hole or an awl-punched hole, whichever end you put the knot it will be elevated. If you use a knot every few stitches, it will hold well but look sloppy. :shocked2: So I'd suggest using that knot stitch on all of them or none of them.
Twisted_1in66 :thumbsup: