Now when I'm cuttin ,I kin only go for a bit 15 min or so an less ,so I'll put in the ink on the place I was doin,I'll hold that part upto my lite to dry her out and then wipe the ink off,usin me spit ,tis the best I know ,tried water and it don't work as good (gits muddy)
Now when yer cuttin lines and ye think they's ain't deep enuff ,ye can recut ,easy just follow them with yer tool and go a little deeper,ye'll be cuttin the black out ,so you know yer cuttin deeper,tis easy,that.
Now I'm cuttin and wipin ,Ya do haveta be aware ,that ink is an abrasive an will take out yer lines .Ye have saved ,just a note of caution.I spray my work with protection and keeps me outta trouble thattaway,for the most part.
Later Peter
Now when yer cuttin lines and ye think they's ain't deep enuff ,ye can recut ,easy just follow them with yer tool and go a little deeper,ye'll be cuttin the black out ,so you know yer cuttin deeper,tis easy,that.
Now I'm cuttin and wipin ,Ya do haveta be aware ,that ink is an abrasive an will take out yer lines .Ye have saved ,just a note of caution.I spray my work with protection and keeps me outta trouble thattaway,for the most part.
Later Peter