Haven't worn knickers since I was 7 yrs old.....am now 86.
Before getting into MLing, I was into bench shooting and all the technical stuff that's necessary to achieve nearly one hole, 5 shot groups at 100 yds. The rifle weighed 19 lbs and had an 18X Unertl 'scope.
Well...my experience w/ my first MLer was an eye opener.....achieved "head hitting" accuracy on squirrels w/o much effort. My 2nd build was my .45 squirrel LR and again the same accuracy was easily achieved.
Perhaps better accuracy could have been achieved using the "techy stuff", but I deemed it unnecessary seeing I no longer "shot paper".
So I sit in the woods enjoying the hunt and when a squirrel presents a shot, my "low tech" MLer hits it smack dab in the head....to my amazement.....and I've been amazed 100s of times.
If some want to get into the "techy stuff", that's good.....Fred