So What's a Good Price

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Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
Smithville MO
A friend of mine father inlaw passed away. He had this ArmiSport .45 cal Kentucky and accessories that he is trying to sell. I have not actually seen the rifle so I'm not sure what condition the bore is in. Should get a look at it early next week. If it is in decent condition. What would be a reasonable offer for the gun and accessories. Here are a couple of photos. 123_1001.jpeg123_1.jpeg123_1002.jpeg
For everything shown, buy it now for yourself to use, $300. I would want my stuff to go to someone that would use and enjoy it.

Investigate every little bit and find it to be just wonderful, $300 to whatever the market will bear. Start high $850 plus shipping.

That's my opinion.
Dang the range box alone looks to be a bargain at $300 with supplies and your getting a rifle for free!

It depends on your location as to what something is worth. Shipping has to be considered. Dealing with payments.

Sentimental value for me is off the chart, money means nothing, to give or accept from friend, family, organization, etc.

Honesty in a transaction has great bearing.

I am sure many other factors can be considered and would make a good topic for a thread.
Hopefully the barrel doesn't look like the nipple area there. Maybe it will clean up ok. I'd take a good look at it before making any offers. I think 300 bucks might be on the high side.
Hopefully the barrel doesn't look like the nipple area there. Maybe it will clean up ok. I'd take a good look at it before making any offers. I think 300 bucks might be on the high side.
I don’t think the funk around the nipple is rust. Looks like accumulated dirt and dust from being a wall hanger. I’d like to have that range box if you wanna sell it!
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If it were sold in an estate sale, where the auction companies tend to sell things to other dealers, the range box would probably fetch $100. I just did one of those for my father-in-law's household belongings after he passed. It's a pretty specialized item and may not even sell. Auction companies typically take 40%. They usually don't sell guns, (too much paperwork and hassle) but it's a broader category for a market than the range box. Still, it's a ML'er, (needing no FFL) so they might do it. Usually those folks don't know boo about that stuff. They might price it at $250. So your offer of $300 for everything is certainly in the ball park and a reasonable one. It's between the "sell it now and don't worry about it price", and the "retail find just the right guy some day down the road that wants to pay full price price". One price gets it sold today, and the other gets it sold maybe some day. Maybe.
Where I am the gun would bring around $350.00, give or take. The box and what contents I can see around $130.00. Now, anything in the drawers? And of course where I am has no bearing on prices somewhere else or on who is looking at the time.
I got a chance to check out the rifle and found out there was a pistol along with the rifle and range box. I first checked the rifle to see if it was loaded and the rod dropped flush with the muzzle and clanked when it hit the breach. Dropped a bore mirror down the barrel and found it dirty but no oxide was noted. Looks like it was oiled with something and collected ahs just collected dust over time.. Rifling looked sharp and no pitting noted. Stock was free of cracks with just a couple of character marks. the Hammer stayed at half cock when trigger pulled and locked at full cock and released with authority with a nice trigger pull. The crude around the nipple isn't rust just lint and dust. The nipple and bolster threads appear sharp. All in all pretty nice rifle. The range box was made out of plywood and included three partial boxes of round balls and other miscellaneous accouterments, Serviceable but not as pretty as the picture appear. Interestingly there was some silhouette score cards in the box, so it looks as if he did some serious shooting with it and his scores were respectable. . The pistol if I were to guess is a kit gun of unknown origin. Checked to see if it was loaded and it was. Didn't really inspect the bore. The lock is inoperative won't stay in half or full cock it appears to be a .45 cal. I'll tear it down pull the ball and give it a closer inspection when I pick it all up tomorrow, and post my findings, and pictures after I get everything all cleaned up. 300.00 bucks out the door for all of it.
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I agree that $300 is reasonable. The nipple top looks awful flat to me. It should have a sharp edge.
Pretty reasonable. The kit pistol gun is probably a $40-$50 item as-is. Those things are famous for having atrocious triggers.
I got some time last night after I picked up the stuff. Started on the rifle cleaning the bore. Scrubbed in with some Moose Milk and bronze brush then moved on to some Kroil after a number of patches less then a dozen I have a bright shinny bore. Looks as if the bore was coated with Some sort of bore butter after the last time it was shot. The crud around the nipple looked of the same color as the lining of the scabbard that I got with the gun. Absolutely no corrosion around the bolster and the nipple came right out with no struggles. Got a tooth brush and cleaned the dirt and dust out from the area where the barrel meets stock and the rubbed the complete gun down with Renaissance Wax. Hardly a scratch on the gun anywhere. It has been well cared for by it's previous owner. I'm in the process of fitting 3/8 inch Hickory ram rod as the original is 9mm and in not good shape. The range box has at 275 round balls 3/4 tin of Remington caps some pillow ticking really nice range rod brand new jag, ram rod tip, brush, muzzle protector three brand new nipples, and a variety of tools,. Pretty much everything a guy need to maintain and make it go bang including at least 3/4 pound of Pyrodex. I have a few days off this week and will get some pictures up. Next up is tearing the pistol down and getting the ball out of the barrel

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