Southern Shot Measure

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Dec 5, 2009
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Jim Webb mentions brass, steel and copper tubes plugged with wood being used as powder and shot measures for mountain shotguns, basically military muskets with the rifling shot out and usually cut down to a shorter length. His examples are cut straight across and the plugs just whittled chunks of wood. I turned a fancy plug and I like an angle on the tube to act as a funnel when pouring shot down the barrel.

Jim Webb mentions brass, steel and copper tubes plugged with wood being used as powder and shot measures for mountain shotguns, basically military muskets with the rifling shot out and usually cut down to a shorter length. His examples are cut straight across and the plugs just whittled chunks of wood. I turned a fancy plug and I like an angle on the tube to act as a funnel when pouring shot down the barrel.

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Thank you for reminding me of Jim Webbs name. I make the Southern style tow worms that he illustrated but I had forgot his name
A quick look at the web finds it out of print, but available at a couple of used and rare booksellers for a lot of coin unfortunately.
Mr. Webb's book was reprinted in an expanded, hardbound form by the Contemporary Longrifle Association a couple of years ago. It is still available from them: Sketches of Hunting Pouches... of Southern Appalachia, by Jim Webb. The retail price is $60, but I suppose some vendors may have it cheaper. I bought a copy from the CLA and have no regrets.

If you are into southern rifles, this book will help you outfit yourself with proper accoutrements.

Webb Book 1.jpg

Webb Book 2.jpg
Webb Book 4.jpg

Best regards,

Notchy Bob