Starting another........

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50 Cal.
Nov 9, 2004
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No, it's not another heated debate....I've started work on a gun for Olie....little ity-bity thing, 25 caliber, birdseye maple stock, slim it will be, iron furniture....I'll take some pics to show my progress. This will be number 24.
No, it's not another heated debate....I've started work on a gun for Olie....little ity-bity thing, 25 caliber, birdseye maple stock, slim it will be, iron furniture....I'll take some pics to show my progress. This will be number 24.

A .25 caliber muzzleloader???

Flintlock, right? :winking:

What would it shoot, patched #4 buckshot?

That will be so cool, has squirrels written all over it... :thumbsup:
I'm building a .25 too from a Tip Curtis kit. You can buy a 3 or 5 lb box of Hornady #4 buckshot (.24) from TOTW for around 10-11 bucks. I figure that will give between 1200 to 1500 shots. It will make a perfect squirrel or cat gun.
Yes it's a flinter (Can't believe you even asked that). Olie got the barrel from Ed Rayl and it isn't real long, I should go and measure it and I know it's smaller thatn 13/16's.

Olie has another one coming....a 30 caliber.

This will be Olie's first flinter....I hope he likes it!

Olie and I both know a guy who owns a 25 caliber muzzleloader, it is a hoot! When the guy shoots it it aint real load, more like a 'poof', but that guy can shoot.
I'm building a .25 too from a Tip Curtis kit. You can buy a 3 or 5 lb box of Hornady #4 buckshot (.24) from TOTW for around 10-11 bucks. I figure that will give between 1200 to 1500 shots. It will make a perfect squirrel or cat gun.

Cat? I can just picture the adds now: Got Cat? :haha:
I'm building a .25 too from a Tip Curtis kit. You can buy a 3 or 5 lb box of Hornady #4 buckshot (.24) from TOTW for around 10-11 bucks. I figure that will give between 1200 to 1500 shots. It will make a perfect squirrel or cat gun.

Cat? I can just picture the adds now: Got Cat? :haha:

Lynx and Bobcats...
Maybe it's a market gun for them chinese resturants someone was talkin about. :crackup: Bill
This is wierd Blah, Just today I got a hairbrain Idea to build a 25 cal. half scale Hawken, when I bought an old marlin 25 cal crackshot barrel at the gun show I was at. I'm thinkin it'll be a good challenge for next winter, as I'll have to make all the parts. I'm planning to get a set of plans and have them reduced to half size, and go from there. I think my biggest problem will be getting half size tiger maple :crackup: Anyone know where I can get some. Bill
Scary thoughts those Chinese food places! Stumpy told ya they scoop up road kill (No wonder the streets are so clean).

Are you really going to build one, a 25? That oughta be a hoot!
The bore on the 25 caliber barrel is (I think).255 and the grooves are .275 with a 48 to 1 twist. The 30 caliber barrel has a twist is 48 to 1.I am trying to make a bullet mold with a size ( diameter) of .290 to .295. I think that the bore is .300 and Ed usually Make his grooves .010 deep but I am not sure about his small calibers.
The 30 caliber barrel I want to make into an iron mounted gun with a side slapper lock. :m2c:
Olie, I have a bag mold about that exact size .289 (measure with caliper) it might be .290. If you are interested give me a PM, and we'll discuss a price. Bill
Ya, Blah, I got the barrel, and a miniature hammer for six bucks, and a brainfart of an idea for next winters project. The barrel is 19" long, so maybe I could make a 2/3 scale. It would make the lockwork easier to build than 1/2 scale. I'll have to give it some more thunkin, and nightmares, but I think I'm committed to the project, or is that I should be committed :haha: Bill
Thanks MM, I checked their site, but I could'nt find any 1/2 size curley maple :haha: I'll keep lookin though Bill
I would like to see if I can make one but I may take you up on that idea if the price is right.Give me some time to think about it,
Ya, Blah, I got the barrel, and a miniature hammer for six bucks, and a brainfart of an idea for next winters project. The barrel is 19" long, so maybe I could make a 2/3 scale. It would make the lockwork easier to build than 1/2 scale. I'll have to give it some more thunkin, and nightmares, but I think I'm committed to the project, or is that I should be committed :haha: Bill

If you can pull it off, that would be awesome....just remember to post pics and the most important thing....keep that power planer away from the project! Just kidding!
Do I have to learn new cuss words to shot a flint or will the old ones do? This is my second flint, the first one I converted to percussion. Blahman doesn't know this.
Do I have to learn new cuss words to shot a flint or will the old ones do? This is my second flint, the first one I converted to percussion. Blahman doesn't know this.

Umm, he does now... :winking:

Give the flint a good chance to prove itself, after all, it's been around for over 200 years, it's no fly-by-night system...