Cut Throat cards;
It's kind of an elimination shoot.
Give each shooter 4 cards,,
1 guy gets all the 2's another gets all the 3's, another all the 4's,,, etc.
Staple all the cards face up on a back board at 20-25yrds;
Everybody gets two shots;
Go down and remove all cards that are shot.
When all 4 cards of a shooter are off the board, that shooter is out.
Repeat, everybody gets two shot's.
Remove all shot cards.
Continue until there's only one card and one winner.
You can run it two ways; Blind, each shooters card numbers are secret, names kept on a sheet that only you see.
Or, make the sign up sheet public so everyone knows who has what number, it can get dirty as people gang up on one guy or another.
Get a 16-20" piece of card board, cut a nice 4" circle in it,, mount it on a stake suitable for pounding in the ground. Pound that stake in the ground so the 4" circle is 30-32" off the ground at 10yrds,, now at 50 or 100yrds put a target at the same height that can be seen through that 4" hole.
The idea is they have to crouch down and shoot the target through that 4" circle.
Turtle shoot;
Mount a 2x4 horizontally around 25yrds (wide part flat) shoulder high. Lay a clay pigeon flat on top of the 2x4.
Have'm knock the flat clay pigeon off the 2x4 without hitting the wood, if you hit the wood your out.
Are they doing a candle shoot?