If we were speaking about patches, jags, ramrod blanks, powder measures, powder horns... I would agree with you.
Stuff like that should be shipped on the day the order is received.
TRS on the other hand is the only place in the world that offers many parts that are needed to build some of the historic firearms from the past.
Many of these parts don't exist anywhere when the order is placed, even at TRS.
They have the patterns to make the castings for the parts but they do not keep a supply of the castings on hand. Perhaps they should but special castings cost money and another builder may not want that particular casting for years.
That said, I do think TRS owes it to anyone ordering these long lead items should be told up front about the length of time it will take to get whatever it is made.
There is also no way that TRS should charge a cent against the customers charge card until the item is being shipped.
Now, I can sit back and watch.
