Bragging rights? Yeah! They do make authentic reproduction parts. No-one else comes close to them in breadth and depth. Definitely not perfect especially when it comes to service. But this whole hobby is that especially as you get more specialized -- the biggest whiners are typically the least advanced and/or serious in the hobby itself who are used to instant gratification. And then there are the ones who know better but are a little "off" and harass the builders after they order anyway, reflecting on the rest of us...
Not defending TRS, it is what it is so live with it, but who's worse, the folks who are making scores of custom parts for each of hundreds and hundreds of guns every time or the good ol' boy assembler (few of these guys are gunsmiths and are mostly garage carpenters) that just outright lies to you about what you're gonna get and when? Sorry, but I'd trust Jesse's integrity any day of the week over, let's say, a Matt Avance at TVM or a John Buck kneeling at church on a Sunday!