roundballshooter said:
That is the question... :haha:
Musketman's soliloquie:
To 54, or not to 54: that is the question:
Whether 'tis larger in the bore to front-stuffer
The patch and roundball of mid-caliber fortune,
Or to take single muzzleloader against a sea of doubles,
And by ordering lead for them? .490: to .530;
No more per pound in UPS haul
The shoulder-aches of a thousand plus shots
Thy flint is heir to, 'tis a consumption
Devoutly to be wish'd. .50 calibre to .54 calibre
To .54: perchance to patch: ay, there's the lube;
For in that lube of patch what shots may come
When we have touched off this .54 calibre,
Must give us pleasure: there's the respect
That makes smokely of so longrifles;
For who would bear arms of patched roundballs,
The sabots wrong, the proud man's cloth patch,
The tightening of English flint, the jaw's grip,
The abundance of roundballs and the sprues
That patient shooter merit of the .54 calibre bore,
When he himself might his roundball maker
With a lesser bore? who would shoot better,
To grunt and sweat under a heavy charge,
But that the lead of something of 220 grains,
The unbeatable calibre from whose bourn
No shooters regrets, .54 calibre will
And makes us rather forget those sub-calibres we have
Than try to others that we know not of?
Thus heavy recoil does make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue cast by thy steel butt plate
Is ticklied o'er with the pure cost of the .50 calibre,
And enterprises of more balls per pound
With this regard their differences turn awry,
And .54 lose the name of ecconomy.-- Soft lead now!
The purest cast! wheelweights, nay in thy mold
Be all my shots remember'd.