I have two Traditions pistols, one a flinter built as a kit and the other a factory cap lock and have noticed a couple things needed that will make the pistol shoot or look better. First the tang screw that runs down to the trigger assembly is a little too long and with the Kentucky models the screw goes through the trigger assembly and pushes on the back of the trigger guard. One of my pistols, the factory build broke the trigger guard at the front screw hole because of it. Just about every Traditions pistol I've looked at has this problem. Grinding a little off the tip of the screw will prevent it.
If you take a lot of wood off the side of the pistol where the lock mounting screws go through the tip of the rear screw will hit the inside of the hammer either jamming it or causing weak hammer strikes. Once again grind a little bit off the tip of the screw.
A cosmetic problem I've noticed with the Kentucky pistol is that the front brass nose cap can sit a little crooked on the stock. I epoxied a small steel washer on the rear screw hole that mounts the barrel and nose piece on the stock to strengthen it and act as a shim.
They are easy fixes and make the pistol a lot more fun to shoot. Have Fun !!