There are basically three different types of tubing,
Welded, DOM and seamless.
It sounds like you have the welded type and I have to stand with the don't use it crowd.
The DOM tubing looks like seamless but it is actually just welded tubing which has been run over a mandral to smooth out the weld seam.
IMO, this does not add a great deal of strength to the material at the weld joint but it does make a smooth tube which will seal with the fittings when they are installed.
Seamless tubing is formed by a specialized process which creates a tube without seams of any kind.
It is the only tubing that may be used safely (in my opinion) for a gun barrel.
Even this is dependent on the wall thickness.
Again, in my opinion, a wall less than .200 is too thin to take the pressures from exploding gunpowder.
Speaking of pressures, the typical hydraulic tube may be made to withstand very high pressures, but these pressures are not applied with the speed which exploding powder produces.
If one looks at the pressure formulas for pressure vessels they will find that the strength for explosions like gunpowder produces needs to be much higher than when the pressure is applied gently (as in opening a valve in the system).
The material and heat treatment of tube is made of is also very important and can make or break the tubes suitability for a gunbarrel.