I'm not able to give you exact facts, memory going fast. I remember reading something about NMLRA being represented at Congressional meetings, State levels, etc., whenever BP issues are present. A group/club of thousands is more impressive than individuals contacting our representatives. The NMLRA representatives are active in shoots, displays and conventions overseas with other BP groups. Several foreign countries shooters come to the NMLRA spring and fall shoots.
I need an official representative of the NMLRA to answer this issue with better insight/knowledge than I have.
Finally, about the cost of parking, camping, shooting matches, etc. if we skip a few meals out, movies, baseball/football games,etc. during the year we would have the cash. Bringing your family/kids, friends, neighbors,to the shoots will help bring clubs cost down and support the future of our BP sport!
Just an old member's rambling, don't mean to offend. Shoot straight, tell the truth, as you know it, and praise your maker!
Deacon :hatsoff: