Rifleman1776 said:
Now I have another reason why I did not enlist in the Navy. Did y'all take a lot of bull butter to sea?
I don't see where casting dispersions on someones choice of service is necessary here. Especially if one never served.
Nor Larsen, the inventor of WD-40, told me personally that it is a pure petroleum product specifically designed to displace moisture from electronics in a high humidity environment.
Perhaps we should be asking exactly how does WD-40 disperse water and where does it go? It doesn't magically evaporate, does it. If not wiped down afterwards the water is still there. If used on a circuit board in a horizontal mounting merely spraying it with WD doesn't
remove the water. WD is a good product but is not
Enjoy, J.D. ASCS(AW/SW), U.S.N. (RET)