What did you do today

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Went deer hunting this morning. Been after a particular buck that I’ve encountered three times with no clean shot. Season ends on 12/31.
Later in the day shot my Christmas gift from my wife for the first time. 45 cal J.Dickert, Late Lancaster made by Marvin Kemper. Shoots as good as it looks!
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Rare day off with my Bride! Spent most of the day around the house with her, took the dog for a walk, and spent a few hours up a tree. Had to run off a guy who was driving dogs through my property; he had some cock and bull story about tracking a buck he’d shot “just a bit ago,” but I hadn’t heard any shots all afternoon, and I watched him for 10 minutes before I announced myself- he wasn’t tracking anything.
Even though the hunt was ruined, no time spent in the woods is ever wasted, so I stayed up there until dark. Pretty moon tonight.
Son phoned to say he was not==not going clay shooting, too cold. So got all my guns out. admired them wiped them down and put them away again. Stayed in out of the way of the virus.
We are some fine fellows who fettle freely, mostly on Fridays with firearms. Many fiddle as they fettle from old habit. Some think we are freaks as we fiddle while fettling so freely with our fire locks.

Don....sorry the coffee is just now working.
Crappy day , to windy to shoot. Decided to make some lube , first I checked my bees wax for no bee wings parts,
thanks Zonie for the heads up, don't need no Flyers. Used a old shoe paste can for the lube, after that I went through
my rifles . punched the bores and just fondled them. The SGT MAJ { wife} came home , retreated to the shop with
my Irish coffee and sat by the stove.
Fettler means to mend things a common saying in the north -east of the UK although some think we do not speak the Queens English
Worked on an old powder horn I made back in 1979. ( my first) It is a dark horn, and I attempted cutting in some lettering.
noticed it hanging there in the shop, and decided to refresh the lettering I scratched in so long ago. Very crude, but my first attempt when I was a much younger man.
Looks pretty good I think.
I’m fed up with lock-down. I have authority to buy two ‘new’ revolvers but can’t get to go and get them ndd,, what's worse the ranges are all closed.

I have powder, charges made up and, I’m getting in top of my domestic duties - sort of.........

I went out to the fettling shed while my wife was at the gym and

View attachment 56233

The mug of tea is a most essential piece of kit.

Another 200 .457 balls for my Rugers and another 100 .577 for my lovely Enfield.

What did anyone else do (shooting related - today)

I know those in the US have some day to go yet but here the sun will be gone in an hour.
Housebreaking puppies! That is seriously as close to shooting as I've gotten in the last couple months.
I shot my TC rifle yesterday with the new GM drop-in barrel, all I had were .535 balls which were a tight fit even with a .012 patch. I tried some .010 patches first but they blew to pieces, the .012 were cut but intact.

I suspect the patches were getting cut by the lands on loading so I loaded a ball with a large patch and pulled patch and ball back out of the barrel with a pair of pliers, sure enough the patch was cut at each land.

I shot a bit more, I was using a .535 ball, 80gr of 2F and a .012 patch. My groups weren't great, about 3" at 50 yards. I can't see sights very well with my 73 year old eyes but I am sure I can do better than this when I figure out the right load.

I like a thicker patch so I ordered a .530 mold to give more me options when I start working up a load. For some reason there has been a run on Lee molds, even Lee is sold out of them as are all the M/L suppliers. I found one guy selling them on eBay for about $10 more than they normally sell for but I needed one so it is on the way

When I cleaned the barrel I used the thumb and 220 grit sand paper routine to smooth out the lands and crown so they won't cut patches any more.
Touched up the browning on my CVA double rifle barrels. Also rebluing a Browning Auto 5 receiver. Also did some painting on some waterfowl decoys I'm carving. So it was a busy enough day.
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