What did you do today

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Did all my yard work yesterday. Alberta has opened up restaurants and other things again. Next month they say fully open and all restrictions lifted incl the mask crap. Out for breakfast this morning then to the range later.
This is good news. I`m moving there in July.
dug out a can of Hercules FFg that i had been dragging around for 45 years. the square can with the lid that pops open with pressure.
dug out a flask of my home made FFg to compare it to.
.54 hawken percussion 28 inch barrel
fired 40 PB .54 's over the chrono. 20 Hercules and 20 my brew.
10 shots each of 60g volume.
10 shots each 90g volume
60g volume of the Hercules gave 1150fps +/- 100fps. probably my eyes measuring.:cool:
60g volume of mine gave 1125 fps +/- 25 fps and was more accurate.
spit patches on all shots

90g of herc gave 1275fps +/- 50fps inch spread @ 25 yards off bench (didn't want to chance blowing up another chrony shooting offhand!:rolleyes:
90g of mine gave 1225 fps. +/-30 fps. balls landed one on top of another.

very dirty job, but someone has to do it!:horseback:
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I have a Haines rifle I put on the back burner and couldn't make my self work on it, It was the one with the severely flawed precarve. Bending over my work has caused me neck problems and pain lately.

Today I thought of an old padded cloth neck brace I had and wondered if I could put it on and work pain free.

The rifle just needs excess wood removal, stain, finish and browning to be done. I put the neck brace on and actually worked on it for a couple of hours with no neck pain.
We got snowed out (Road closures prevented access to the region) of our Annual Winter Muster in Hill End in central western NSW this weekend so we headed to an indoor range in Sydney and shot on Saturday night. My Son and I are going to do some prep work today for future matches.
I do not understand how you can sit down and pour 50 balls. :dunno:
Every time I sit down to cast there are several hundred on the table when I get done.....
run out of lead! :doh: :doh: :doh:
i sat on the porch last weekend watching a lightening storm and poured 300 .530 balls for my 54's.
realized i was neglecting my 50's so fired up to cast some 490's.
then realized everything stacked was alloy 11bnh and up. even some of the 490's are hard.
memory ain't what it used to be.
Got lost for a few minutes heading from Jackalope (where I picked up a cool coffee mug and some habanero seasoning) to Lowes. Was on the wrong main street and didn't realize it until I passed my own street without seeing the Lowes........ Said the heck with it and went to my local mini Wally World.
Ya think after all these years I'd know which street I was on. 🤣
You can't be lost if it don't matter where you are.
Think the mountain men were ever lost?
Well, can relate to Eric and his house full of stuff he doesn’t need, sold off a coal forge, charcoal to go with it, two huge tool bins that used to ride in the back of a deuce and a half, spare fridge, Christmas decorations, and sooooo much other accumulated stuff it`s crazy. I have a tendency to attach sentimental value to certain things, only reason i`m not a hoarder is my wife and son are far less sentimental about things and keep me in check…..HaHa. Have a cross country move coming at the beginning of July, and the army will only move 20,000 #. I had an estimated 25,000#. Wrought iron, scrap steel, excess blacksmith tools,- all sold to a young, hopefully up and coming artist/blacksmith.
probably 1000# loaded into his Toyota Yaris…. He`s coming back for more.
my wife wanted my lead hoard to be sold off- I acquiesced but only sold the harder alloy lead from wheel weights and various other sources. Still have about 300# of soft lead.

oh, got promoted to warrant officer Thursday evening. Took a while, and was called a crusty old WO before the evening was over…. Was in charge of the unit Friday, and i kept looking around for the adult in the room. Turns out it`s me…
People don't understand how heavy the insignia of rank are.
I left the Army with 3 up and 1 rocking 11Bravo40. Every time I lost a soldier my heart ******* broke. I did not cry I did not break down but I knew I failed someone in my care. Likely he was a good guy I never had the chance to know. I knew I was shipping a family their son who I did not shelter and protect. But shelter and protect was not my job. A very difficult thing was keeping a cool head when patrolling while remembering putting a buddy in a body bag.
Burning for revenge but knowing it is not the mission. Well some times it can be. Swallow the urge to puke and do the mission.
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We took a picture at the end. Hopefully that will be posted. Here is a picture of one of my future rifles.... after I win the drawing.
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