Rope and a milk crate works too.Had both knees done last January. I drive an F250. I had to use a plastic step I rigged up to an old dog leash for a few weeks. Worked great. Step up, sit down, pull the step up behind you.
Rope and a milk crate works too.Had both knees done last January. I drive an F250. I had to use a plastic step I rigged up to an old dog leash for a few weeks. Worked great. Step up, sit down, pull the step up behind you.
K.I.S.S.Like you - the range conversations can be very distracting. But that's when I get to meet with and see most of the folks I like to shoot with.
I have a solid regime of loading that helps keep things like that to a bare minimum.
Everything lays on the left side of the bench or stand.
When powder sets loaded - the powder measure goes to the right side of the bench.
When a ball gets started - the starter or rod (depends on what I'm loading) goes tot he right side of the bench.
As soon as the shot is fired - everything I used goes back to the left side of the bench.
It helps keep things orderly and in the right order.
I also love Planxty!Wonderful stuff!!! Thank you! I have this by the group, Planxty, on vinyl - how cool is that? Loving the quilt, too.
Never bothered to pay attention to the politicians, or media about lock down. Went about and did what I normally do. That it was then, and think it is now no more than BS!I’m fed up with lock-down. I have authority to buy two ‘new’ revolvers but can’t get to go and get them ndd,, what's worse the ranges are all closed.
I have powder, charges made up and, I’m getting in top of my domestic duties - sort of.........
I went out to the fettling shed while my wife was at the gym and
View attachment 56233
The mug of tea is a most essential piece of kit.
Another 200 .457 balls for my Rugers and another 100 .577 for my lovely Enfield.
What did anyone else do (shooting related - today)
I know those in the US have some day to go yet but here the sun will be gone in an hour.
The Green River is a great fishing place. Nice rainbows...Wife and I went fishing on the Green River in WyomingView attachment 84395
Ha! Neighbor did same thing ... Montgomery, Alabama, 1972. I learnedAbout pools; my neighbor spent a bundle on a huge pool and landscaping so his grandkids would have a place to swim and play. The first year they came every week, the next year they came over a half dozen times, the third year they came once or twice. He was out at daylight every morning doing the pool cleaning routine.
The fourth year without telling his wife he hired a backhoe to push all the concrete walkways into the pool and covered the whole area with new topsoil and sod, you can't tell there was ever a pool there. He is now a happy man.
Works for hip replacements too.Had both knees done last January. I drive an F250. I had to use a plastic step I rigged up to an old dog leash for a few weeks. Worked great. Step up, sit down, pull the step up behind you.
Now that's just not right showing us something like that plus I thought this site prohibited porno!!!Wife and I went fishing on the Green River in WyomingView attachment 84395
Get both, you know you want toCurrently debating with myself whether I want a Shiloh percussion Sharps or a custom Hawken in .50.
It's a harder choice than I thought it would be.