Spent ages messing with this slab of walnut the wider bit full of cracks and they have opened a bit more in the house. I used my .36 double as a pattern moving it this way and that. I was happy to get one slab for £54 plus £9 postage. However I traced out two good ones and as a bonus a third for an octagonal barrel, although I need epoxy in some cracks. Made each as big as possible for my sons bandsaw but take thought and time but done. All for target Gibbs Lookalike Design one percussion an one flint LH. They will all be wallhangers in uk. But not when I take them to France
got Gibbs target rifles on the brain. Doctor said is should pass with time , it took me years to get over the double rifle disease, just about recovered A bad time that was
included the stock of my Reilly cape rifle to show its french walnut. Nice
have fun. Turned right cold west of London overcast clouds and wind from cold north