What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

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Anybody remember that old canvas bag my father bought me when I was 16 which has been mentioned on here a time or two. You know, the one I’ve been hunting with every year since. Well since my hunting days are likely over due to muscle waste from this damn disease, I figured perhaps I will turn it into my 20g smoothbore shooting bag.
Oh, I also kicked off a new sourdough starter. Gonna be making bread again in a week or so as long as my guts will tolerate.
For 9/1/22 I rubbed back my Jax blackened barrel working it back to the aged look I want. I finished the evening by wiping away the dust and applying a coat of oil for it overnight. I plan on looking it over again this evening and deciding what to do next. More work on the barrel or butt plate, trigger guard and rod pipes.
I plan to post pics as soon as I have the patina I want. This is my first rodeo with a kit build. When I bought my Kibler SMR kit, I also bought the finishing supplies from him. I have not been disappointed with anything thus far, except my inexperience. So I can't give you any input by comparing this product to others. Keep watching my daily updates, and the pics are coming soon. Thank you for replying, and I look forward to your feedback. It is always welcome; constructive criticism with suggestions for improvement helps me grow.


I got Jax Black from Kibler

This is the patina I am looking for. Hopefully, I will have it this afternoon when I pick the barrel up and look at it again with fresh eyes.
I love an antique finish on a barrel, almost as much as I love a browned barrel. But a good job on the antiqued barrel is far easier to achieve.

I watched a lot of videos on YouTube on how to antique a barrel…great place to start. Kibler even has a video.

I called Kibler and ordered a solution called Jax Black.


1. Use protective gloves when doing this. Clean all metal surfaces of grease and oil. Use a degreaser, and then wipe down with alcohol.

2. I hung the barrel from the ceiling using soft metal wire. Degrease the wire as well.

3. I ordered some wool daubers. I put the Jax Black solution in a small dish, and used a dauber to apply the Jax black solution to the barrel, full length, top to bottom. Make sure that the finish is even.


4. Take a green scotchbrite pad and scrub off the finish until you get the level of antique grey finish that you want. Scrub from top to bottom; long, full, even strokes will give an even finish

5. Apply a thick layer of gun oil to the finished surface. Wipe the metal surface thoroughly and evenly. After 24 hours apply another thorough layer of oil.

6. Finish all iron metal parts using the same procedure.

That should be good. If you finish and don’t like the finish, polish down the barrel to bare metal, degrease…clean it. Do it again. The whole process should take about 15 minutes to do the barrel.
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I love an antique finish on a barrel, almost as much as I love a browned barrel. But a good job on the antiqued barrel is far easier to achieve.

I watched a lot of videos on YouTube on how to antique a barrel…great place to start. Kibler even has a video.

I called Kibler and ordered a solution called Jax Black.


1. Use protective gloves when doing this. Clean all metal surfaces of grease and oil. Use a degreaser, and then wipe down with alcohol.

2. I hung the barrel from the ceiling using soft metal wire. Degrease the wire as well.

3. I ordered some wool daubers. I put the Jax Black solution in a small dish, and used a dauber to apply the Jax black solution to the barrel, full length, top to bottom. Make sure that the finish is even.


4. Take a green scotchbrite pad and scrub off the finish until you get the level of antique grey finish that you want. Scrub from top to bottom.

5. Apply a thick layer of gun oil to the finished surface. Wipe the metal surface thoroughly and evenly. After 24 hours apply another thorough layer of oil.

6. Finish all iron metal parts using the same procedure.

That should be good. If you finish and don’t like the finish, polish down the barrel to bare metal, degrease…clean it. Do it again. The whole process should take about 15 minutes to do the barrel.
That is the process. I use the Jax black as well. I can tell this afternoon/evening if I keep it as is, scotchbrite more or clean it off and start over.
kept myself entertained by making fine maple sawdust out of a fine maple plank. it is beginning to look like the fowler that it is supposed to be.
have it 90% shaped now so am slowing to a crawl. this is the point i usually storm through the house slamming doors and using words the bride disapproves strongly of my using.
took a break from the rasps and scrapers and wetted the chisels and carving tools. of course since they were sharp i had to inlet the trigger guard in preparation of final shaping. of course i had to trim the sprue tabs and flashings off the trigger guard casting first.
so anyway all i did muzzleloading today is get in trouble for my bad mouth! oh wait, that was yesterday the rasp slipped. never mind!
think i will go burn some powder!
Two happenings today. First, I went over the super cheap CVA Hawken I bought earlier in the week. I cleared the stuck ball with an air compressor, gave it a thorough cleaning and inspection, and lightly buffed and oiled the stock. It’s nice enough to be a shooter, so will not be cut into a blanket gun lol! It was missing a barrel wedge, so I ran up to Dixie and got one. I used a brass Tedd Cash wedge. It’s slightly undersized, but it’s all they had in stock. Two wraps of .005 shim stock and now she holds firm.

Unfortunately, the trip to Dixie caused another problem.

There has been a repro Austrian Lorenz .54 Carbine in the scratch and dent rack for over a year. It has a couple patches of surface rust and a small crack in the stock near the side plate. I’ve been eyeballing it for over a year, hemming and hawing. Today, it was marked down to $525 (originally $950). Needless to say, Dixie Gun Works turned another billfold into a victim lol! I put it on layaway to give me time to figure out how I’m gonna sneak it past the wife lol!
Tell her you won it in a raffle, or blanket shoot or was walking in the woods and the muzzleloading fairy gave it to you, because you did not have a gun with you and the fairy was in a generous mood. 😉
It was the Kibler extra grade.

Here’s an image that I posted elsewhere. I need to stain the ramrod…it looks weird not stained.

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there you go again! i just stopped dreaming about that thar fine piece! now it starts all over again. only cure is not sleeping!
ram rod! what ram rod?😍😍😍
Tell her you won it in a raffle, or blanket shoot or was walking in the woods and the muzzleloading fairy gave it to you, because you did not have a gun with you and the fairy was in a generous mood. 😉

Our anniversary is coming up, so I’ll just smuggle it into the house after I present her with the mandatory annual shiny stuff!

On a related note, only being about 35 miles or so from DGW is hard on wallets. 😧

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