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Went to the range.

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Doesn't look like much to the really good shooters but I have been fighting this #%&@$^ for 5 months, best group to date. 9 shots, FFFG Schutzen black powder, patched round ball .490 dia., .010 thick patch, Winchester magnum percussion cap. It was colder than a well diggers [behind] in Alaska. No snow yet, just cold and the added wind chill. The group measured four inches horizontally, and three inches vertically. The distance was about 40 yards. All in all, a GREAT day.

I need a BIG bullseye target, my eyes are that bad.
I needed a peep on my newest build, I started working on one out my favorite thicker metal but was out of map gas and couldn't get the heat for bends I needed with propane. I had a peep I made out of 1/16" metal that was much less substantial but decided to use it instead because it was already finished except for the final bending to align the sights.

I have orders to stay off a bad knee until I have an MRI so I haven't shot my rifle with the new peep yet, my sight picture is very good through it.

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Back on October 11, I wrote quite a lengthy article on a traditions 45 caliber percussion, under the title, Percussion rifle never been cleaned.
The rifle I bought for $25 came with a Bullet mold, Two hole, round ball, made in Italy, marked 44 caliber. I made a few balls with it to shoot and discovered that they actually measured about .455. I used them, they did load harder tghen I like, so I borrowed a Lyman mold, single holer, from a friend that has a 45 traditions, and made some balls with it to shoot during hunting season
. Now backing up, some 10 years ago, a shooting friend passed away and his son gave me all his bullet molds, and among them, was one Identical to the one that I got with the rifle. Both molds are marked .44. Well today I fired both molds up and they both make identical balls. According to the lead chart, a round lead ball that weighs 141.2 grains is a .454 diameter ball. I had rigorously clean both molds before I use them so they would fit tight, so I know that wasn't the problem. I'm sure I can use them, but I'll have to figure out a different patch system. Perhaps an .010 or .012 patch would work. I hate to buy another mold when I have these two for a rifle that I will never shoot much.
With the patches I have, I had to tap the round ball, patched with a .018 patch, and I started them down with a rubber hammer before using a short starter. They actually loaded fairly easy once I did that, but I haven't been successful at finding a fired patch, and we're supposed to get snow tomorrow, so I got a notion that my shooting goes on a back burner for some months. In the meantime, I'm looking for some .012 cotton and I'll make a few patches.
Today I took a small button buck with my.45 flintier. The SMR hadn't been blooded so it was time. This was the opening day of the antlerless season here in Missouri, I still have one more tag which is any deer I'll save that one for muzzleloader season that starts on Christmas day and maybe go for something larger.
I'll post up some pictures later today.
Went to the club shoot this morning with my Crockett .32 and an older single shot pistol by cva. Only the third time I've shot the crockett and did the worst shooting I've done in years. did just about as bad with the pistol. Just couldn't get my hunches and jerks together today. I'll do better tomorrow on my regular Sunday morning shoot on the desert.
Today I did nothing Muzzleloding related. Yesterday we had local turnout at the shotgun range. Shot two series with 25 clay birds in each. Did not do well. Nobody did, it was to darn cold. Shoot`n my Armi Sport replica Springfield 1842 percussion musket with bird shot and the dirtiest blasting powder there is. A good cleaning when I got home. Still darn cold thou....!
I decided this afternoon to take inventory of supplies and sort components (lead round balls and wads) by caliber. I also found I had purchased way more percussion caps this summer than I had realized (I have to find several dozen more tins of my CCI #11s which are not depicted in this photo)!View attachment 107503

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