Finished sighting in my new .45 Flintlocks, lefty rifle and pistol. Dead on at 25 and 50. Little tiny groups at both distances with the rifle. Great day at the range.
ADK Bigfoot
ADK Bigfoot
Set up the mill and opened up the capping notches on my New Model Rem so I can use a snail capper, still probably too old to do anything fast…
Greetings from London Hello I closed down a small engineering firm when my mate and owner had a bad stroke poor sod he was 78. I brought loads of stuff over here but when cancer returned in 2009 I got the gypsy lads to clear most of it No big deal. On immunology now and that’s no big deal either I am a fit 35 year old born on 1943 I only use the big lathe for cutting barrel threads and the little yellow lathe for little gunny bits.I had a Bridgeport J head mill and an Atlas 10X36 lathe, gas welding gear, presses, barreling bench, etc, etc, but had to downsize when we moved into the metroplex (9,000 pop.). I have miniature lathe and mill now, the machines themselves are a project as they have to be re-built before you can actually do something with them. I think your shop looks good!
These rifles get more impressive by the day. Wonderful so well done.I forgot to mention that I would like to thank the many guys on the forum who gave me the incentive and the tips to get my gun to a finish.
Hatman, that is gorgeous!!! Nice job. I met Mark this winter at a show, he is a fine artist. Good choice. Have you shot it yet?I just finished my winter project, a Kibler Colonial in .54 cal. I had Mr. Mark Thomas engrave the brass parts, he did a wonderful job....a he## of lot better than I could ever do!
Greetings from London Hello I closed down a small engineering firm when my mate and owner had a bad stroke poor sod he was 78. I brought loads of stuff over here but when cancer returned in 2009 I got the gypsy lads to clear most of it No big deal. On immunology now and that’s no big deal either I am a fit 35 year old born on 1943 I only use the big lathe for cutting barrel threads and the little yellow lathe for little gunny bits.
I picked up the engraver last week for £135 and spent another £160 on expensive bits like £72 for a 1/4 “ collet and £84 on belts just happy I can get spares for a 1955 machine. Just testing out a 1/4” cutter on brass very good I was prompted to get it as I put a bid on a .45 ML target rifle 1875. And it needs new sights I’ll have to make The hammer should go down on Monday it’s my 79 birthday present. It’s a bit rusty so it might keep the dealers away I prefer slightly rusty guns anyway. Lovely to chat better not take up too much space. Sunny day in uk west of London watch this space Nice to chat. Gordon
VERY nice.Shot the new flintlock for the 2nd time. Trying to get used to the delay. I shot all off hand this time, yikes that’s hard! I wish I started when I was younger. Lol
May I ask, what load did you use? I am assuming PRB, but ffg, fffg, how many grains and do you use an overpowder wad or patch? I am taking mine (percussion) out tomorrow, and inquiring minds want to know.Finished sighting in my new .45 Flintlocks, lefty rifle and pistol. Dead on at 25 and 50. Little tiny groups at both distances with the rifle. Great day at the range.
ADK Bigfoot