Sanded down the stock real good , whiskered it and trying some different stains on practice piece and .... DUH ! I havent put the nose band or the thumb piece on ! So ....meh .... I found the roughed out thumb piece I cut out a bit ago and ground then filed it to shape and started inletting it in the wrist of the stock ... Hopefully have a pic of it pinned in , on the wrist , on this post before the sun sets ... then hopefully engrave it and put the nose strap on it tomorrow ....then maybe get to stain the d@#& stock ! LOL ! We'll see

GEESH !! ....The pic of the " Done " thumb piece is one on a Carolina gun I built a couple years ago ... Got it inletted and done for today !....pic of it covered in black goo , beautiful !! Is it not ?! LOL ! On to firewood now before dark ...