Write the boy out of your will and put an open pack of Mail Pouch tobacco in her purse.My wife and son are merciless about my possibles bag. My wife went as far as putting a feminine hygiene product in it to surprise me the next time I used it! They call it a purse. Lately it’s been called a murse. I think they have given me a complex.
My first black powder bag I made out of an old black shoulder purse that was a lot like a field bag with a snap to keep the top fastened. It worked very well for my unmentionable BP rifle and I used it at first for hunting once I got a longrifle. I was very proud of the fact I had removed some decor from the purse, came up with a longer shoulder strap, and made a hunting bag out of it. Then my wife gave me a leather shooting bag for Christmas about 20-years ago and I still use that.Historically speaking, it seems a purse has become socially linked to females but in reality, women's clothing had small/tiny pockets, if any. "Fashion" I suppose, who wanted coins and keys and such weighing down their 'hips'Anyway, that's one reason women have carried a 'purse' throughout our more recent and modern history. Men have far more and larger pockets so that we can put our Constanza-like wallets, key chains with every key we've ever owned and at least $2.50 in mixed coins on our person at all times. Ok, so that last bit is for the now 45+ year olds.
I personally have grown to hate anything in my pockets and carry only my truck key fob (no keys at all) and a small wallet of only essential debit/credit cards and my driver's license.
yeah.. thats him
EDC bags from Amazon, generally pretty cheap and lots of size options. Or my latest 'invention', a binocular case that I picked up last year for an elk hunt. This is an FHF FOB, pricey, but in my opinion it was well worth it and came with a lot of optional attachments. Easily mounts to a back pack or use it's own excellent harness. You could easily pick up a cheaper version and get the same benefits.
I use it for binos all the way thru deer season and then when late season ML starts up, I transition it to a chest mounted possibles bag. Works out great for both deer hunting and for late season squirrels. The range finder serves as my spotting scope; at 6x it's plenty in the woods. I have a c.2008 Bass Pro fanny pack/day pack with shoulder straps that I'll wear and carry any extras like a seat pad or use it's Molle add-on pouches if it's a long day trip for snacks etc. It's main compartment will hold several squirrels or a hefty lunch and large thermos of coffee.
I have been known to carry a. purse but only when I’m kilted.
Braid a strap using parachute cord. It’s all the rage at the gun shows where everyone seemingly has bracelets, key cords, etc made with braided parachute cords. Then you have a 1,000 feet plus of unbraided cord for emergencies if needed.I made a bag, but I bought a purse strap from goodwill to go with it
I should have bought a woven strap at Kempton but didn't think of it dangit