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Who else has "given up" trekking/re-enacting. Why?

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At my local range. Man, those guys have some NICE rifles too! One of the older guys has a rifle that looks a lot like one that Zonie would have made with the same beautiful wood finish.

........ and them fellas git all dressed up in PC cloth'n to go shoot at the "local range"?????

:nono: Now Charles, you know that I don't take a good profile picture! And my Woodland BDU's were in the laundry. This ain't very flatterin'.
At my local range. Man, those guys have some NICE rifles too! One of the older guys has a rifle that looks a lot like one that Zonie would have made with the same beautiful wood finish.

........ and them fellas git all dressed up in PC cloth'n to go shoot at the "local range"?????


No, they don't. If they did, I would think something was wrong with them and I would NOT approach them, especially with so many guns around! :haha:
I had no idea that they were into re-enacting until I went to drool over their guns.
Well, You ain't heard me talk. Southern Mountain English is what you hear if you go up some of the hollers of southern WV where I'm from and eastern KY, western VA, east TN and north GA. Ther air a few of us'uns who still tawlk thetaway. I kin spell raht most of tha time but Ah still cain't tawlk like themair flatlanders. It's left over lazy Elizabethan English I reckon that my ancestors brought over on that big wooden boat back when this was still a part of England. It's fast disappearing and I ain't about to give it up. Guess I'll never be a grammer teacher. Flatlanders call it hillbilly.
There, air ye happy? Ye got me to ramblin' agin!
Well, You ain't heard me talk. Southern Mountain English is what you hear if you go up some of the hollers of southern WV where I'm from and eastern KY, western VA, east TN and north GA. Ther air a few of us'uns who still tawlk thetaway. I kin spell raht most of tha time but Ah still cain't tawlk like themair flatlanders. It's left over lazy Elizabethan English I reckon that my ancestors brought over on that big wooden boat back when this was still a part of England. It's fast disappearing and I ain't about to give it up. Guess I'll never be a grammer teacher. Flatlanders call it hillbilly.
There, air ye happy? Ye got me to ramblin' agin!

Sounds like the way some of us talk here in Texas! Ain't nothing wrong with that!

I like your "period" duds in Huntinfool's picture! Now that looks like a good group of folks! :thumbsup:
At my local range. Man, those guys have some NICE rifles too! One of the older guys has a rifle that looks a lot like one that Zonie would have made with the same beautiful wood finish.

........ and them fellas git all dressed up in PC cloth'n to go shoot at the "local range"?????


No, they don't. If they did, I would think something was wrong with them and I would NOT approach them, especially with so many guns around! :haha:
I had no idea that they were into re-enacting until I went to drool over their guns.

I guess I'm have'n trouble "visoning" fellas act'n snotty while someone is "drool'n" over ther rifles!!

What kind'a questions did you ask'em????

I guess I'm have'n trouble "visoning" fellas act'n snotty while someone is "drool'n" over ther rifles!!

What kind'a questions did you ask'em????

That struck me as extra a-hole-ish as well. It would be hard for me to be snotty to somebody while they are effectively complimenting me.

At first, my only questions were about their guns and they kept bringing up the words "period correct" and "period incorrect" to describe the features of their guns. So, I assumed that they were historical trekkers and asked them if they are. The one guy who was talking to me said that they were re-enactors and that he is a both Revolutionary War re-enactor and a Civil War re-enactor. Sounds expensive to do both to me.

So, I simply asked him about the kinds of gear that he had to have (clothes/equipment). I asked him specific questions and that seemed to tick him and his buddy off.

I was truly interested in what they were saying even though I really have no interest in re-enacting the Revolutionary War or the Civil War. It is just interesting to me.

I'm sure that I asked the kind of questions that you or anybody would have asked. I didn't ask them things like, "Why are you an idiot?", or anything that I feel should have ****** them off.

Give me an example of a question that would tick-off the typical re-enactor because I surely can't think of one.
In all honesty, they may have been somewhat "overwhelmed" by the questions you were ask'n.

It's very difficult to describe the "whats, "whys", and "whens", in a short period of time,..... and if you asked a few questions about "both" (the Revolutionary and Civil War) periods, it might have give'n them "cause" to git a liddle impatient with someone they guessed may not be extremely serious in putting such information into actual "use".

Thet's jest'a "guess"!! :hmm: :haha:

You could be right, I guess. I still would have handled it differently if it were me, though.

Off Topic: Speaking of the Civil War, there is a very neat program on the History Channel that started about 10 minutes ago called "Artillery Games". BIG black powder guns going "BOOM"!
Like I mentioned,... I'm jest "guess'n"!! :thumbsup:

I'm sure you, or I, would have handled the questions with a different "attitude"!! :applause:

Hey!!.... don't you know,... "blind" people don't have TV??

(Wish I had a TV, so Icould hear the big "BOOMS" :cry: :cry:)

:nono: Now Charles, you know that I don't take a good profile picture! And my Woodland BDU's were in the laundry. This ain't very flatterin'.

Deal with it "Ranger" none of the pics of me are very flattering Heck I broke the lense!

Besides you got video of me fallin' off my stump so shadup!
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

TNA Prez
Hey, Jaybe. It's not standard for reenactors to carry documentation about their weapons and gear. This guy just happened to have some because he knew he would probably be hassled by the Inspector General Nazis. That was quite a few years ago and it wouldn't surprise me that nowadays if some units and events did require it. I quit actively reenacting in '94 primarily because of financial and family reasons but a large part of the reason was because of the PC Nazis and the politics. As an aside, I see nothing wrong with a group putting on an event just for those who are gung ho about authenticity. But for the major events where most of the reenactors fall somewhat short of their standards, I say back off! You have to draw the line somehere, in other words keep out the real farbs (grossly inaccurate uniforms, gear,weapons, unsafe conduct, etc.). We do the public events for who? The Public. Most of them don't know the difference between a flintlock and an M-14. They're just thrilled to see history come to life before their eyes. I remember when I used to get downright giddy when I saw CW soldiers wearing Dickies work clothes and wearing stiff kepis with a clear plastic cover on them when it rained. I'm like you, when I have to carry certification for me to be able to participate in this, I'll go over the hill.
:agree: :thumbsup:
I've been looking in to this reenacting/rendezvous/trekking thing and there are a couple of salient points I have to study up on before I commit.
1. The PC Nazis, as they've been called, do they bathe everyday? If so, do they use lye soap? I have read many times that these real life folks didn't have much use for bathing. Some even thought it unhealthy.
2. Do they go to the bathroom? Not everyone grew corn (for cobs) and not everyone lived in an area with trees that had big leaves. I can't for the life of me recall documentation of using toilet paper.
I believe that if I had been treated in such a manner for asking simple questions, why, I'd have just followed the dude around till nature called and asked for documentation on his actions! Some folks just seem to go too far with the period correct thing. There's always those who leave out common sense. Guess that's why I'm still just considering the idea instead of acting on it.
doing the eastern thing we do have some guidelines

the top item on most of the "longhunter shopping lists" was soap. Normally it was not lye soap but a form called castile soap that used an olive oil base instead of lard.

The dreaded DOCUMENTATION shows that they were prone to washing out their clothes in streams on occasion too.

Indians attacked the Watauga settlement while the women of the fort were boiling clothes for the wash, indicating regular cleaning.

The Draper Manuscripts recall one woman that would not leave her cabin to go to the fort, during an Indian scare, until she had set the cabin straight.

Gen. Daniel B. Smith of Hendersonville, TN. (surveyor of the TN/VA border/ that means he stayed out in the woods a lot) Had a cabin on his property where, on his return from work or hunting, he could bathe and change into civilized clothing. (his wife would not allow him inside the house in his grungies)

As for calls of nature, few references exist. If there is no documentation we must refrain from such activities. Them's the rules, acording to the PC Nazis!

and now you know why most real thread counters are so full of :bull:
One thing to really get the PC nazis on is their rifle/gun. The majority of them may know their stitches but don't know much about their guns. They condemn machine stitching (properly) but accept guns with machine made parts, machine inletting, modern alloys, etc. To me this is more than a little hypocritical... the last guy that criticised my clothes was carrying a noted US made gun that (1) did not fit his personna and (2)was made using computer driven machines for inletting. Didn't know they had computer-driven machines back in the 1700s. :m2c:
Well, Riverrat, I wouldn't let it discourage you. Those PC Nazis are a vast MINORITY. I'd say 98% of reenactors of all periods are friendly, helpful and encouraging. Some of those who have been short when questions are asked are decent folks who may have just had a prior spectator ask them an extremely stupid question and may think you are about to do the same thing. I wish I had a dollar for every time I or one of my comrades has had a spectator (usually an adult) ask us "How do you know when you get shot?" It got so common that we started replying that we felt a hard blow followed by numbness and copious quantities of blood, usually followed by death. Some looked at us like we were nuts and others would nod their head, say "Oh" and walk away. As Huntifool mentioned earlier, at the end of my CW career there were some hardcore reenactors who would go at least a week or more without a bath and some are know nto have infested themselves with graybacks. I believe in authenticity but that just too much. The real CW soldiers as well as those in all wars, did their best to keep clean and get rid of vermin. Gen. Lee begged the commissary dept. for soap. What I really get a kick out of are those guys who weigh 200-300 lbs and claim to be hardcore, especially those portraying Confederates. Looks to me like they better start starving. The average Confederate was 5'8 and weighed about 125-130 lbs. Look at original uniforms. I couldn't get a shell jacket buttoned around one of my thighs! I'm 6'2" and weigh over 250 lbs. Your idea about following one around is a hoot! I'd carry a couple of cobs in my pocket and when he headed for the sink I'd hand him one and tell him I expect him to use it! :haha: When I reenacted, we took great joy in harassing the hardcore. At least the ones who were sporting 'tudes. Some were very friendly and helpful. You'll find this same problem in any hobby, career, sport and even religion.
Well here I stand. :: As to fireing the the 1st shot, I've had guys who come up and start on me about one thing or another. And alls I got to say is they had better have their own house in order before they knock on my door.
As for myself being the minority, I belong to a group that strives to be 18th century correct and every man to the letter feels the same way I do. It is kinda our mission statement if you will. We belive that the only way to convince or teach others that our reaserch is correct is to prove it, with both documentation and by setting the example. I feel that the goal of reenacters/living historians is to educate the public and other reenacters.
And there are a number of, and I hate to use this word, hardcores out there who do teach seminars:
Karl Kostner Great lakes history
Rex Norman - MM fur trade
Mark Baker - cumberland drainage
Cathy Johnson- Osage country
Missy Clark - Womens clothing
And many others to many to mention.
Some times all you have to do is ask.
I'll be the 1st to admitte that there are some real wenniers out there and no doubt they will always be around. But to TexasMLer don't throw out the whole bushel just because of a few bad,overbering,aroggant,selfrightous,apples. Like TexiKan said,If they are that good they should not have to tell you, someone else will tell you they are that good. And last but not least, no one is 100% PC, no one has ever ran a real gauntlet,No one has went weeks in the mountains without food,no one has ever been really attacked by Indians, and almost everyone drives a car,truck,or van to the events. Enough said,

"History preserved, though knowledge shared"
I won't put up with snobs in my day to day life, so why should I want to be around them on my days off?????? Give me some good hearted folks that will help me if I ask for it, and I'll follow them right over the horizon.

Any self-important expert that marches up to me and starts criticizing me had better be bigger, stronger and meaner than me. If he is all that, then he better be faster too! ::
We have a saying that the ego puffers should keep in mind any time they criticize a stranger: "Don't let your alligator mouth overpower your hummingbird A$$!"