Why the "Skychief" load works?

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Skychief, From one Hoosier to an other, I think you have done a great service and I thank you for all of the research you have done and for sharing it with us. :applause: My only smoothbore is a Pedersoli SBS 20ga, bored IC/Mod so I don't know how much it will help me, but I am grateful for the information. Keep yer powder dry...........robin :wink:
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Was it our Spence that did some buck and ball tests??
Someone tested ball on top and ball under the heavy shot/buckshot.
I seem to recall the ball on top of the shot resulted in a tighter pattern!!

Deputy Dog said:
Skychief, From one Hoosier to an other, I think you have done a great service and I thank you for all of the research you have done and for sharing it with us. :applause: My only smoothbore is a Pedersoli SBS 20ga, bored IC/Mod so I don't know how much it will help me, but I am grateful for the information. Keep yer powder dry...........robin :wink:

Howdy Robin. Hope all is well up North. :thumbsup:

Thanks for your kind words. Sometimes I think Goex should send me a hat for all I've been through. :haha:

Take care neighbor, Skychief
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Britsmoothy said:
Was it our Spence that did some buck and ball tests??
Someone tested ball on top and ball under the heavy shot/buckshot.
I seem to recall the ball on top of the shot resulted in a tighter pattern!!

:hmm: ............. :thumbsup:
That's right. I did a few patterns from my cylinder bore 20-gauge smoothbore, and results with the ball on top of the buckshot left no doubt that was the better load. Same results no matter how many buckshot I used. I was using tow for both overpowder and overshot wads.

I'm also one of those rare birds who have actually tested Skychief's load, both on paper and in the squirrel woods. It works.

Well Brit, I found your theory on page one.
It to me sounds logical, and think likely right, But as it is a theory of why it works, must try it and see how it works in my guns, and compare results with a "normal' charge.

The 'problem' I have with it, is that even a heavy 'wet' wad, is much less dense than shot pellets, so will decelerate much quicker than the latter. Now, If it is out of the line of flight of the pellets, all well and good, And I take it that is what you believe happens.

But, I think we have all seen wads On Occasion striking the target at lesser ranges, (say 20 to 30 yards) and presumably these less dense 'missiles' arrive After the shot, but have continued their flight on the same plane as the majority of the shot. If the heavy wad was leading the pack, (so to speak) it would not continue to do so over a range of say 40 yards, so must influence a Few pellets.
I believe this is the key;

Said Skychief wad stays up with the leading pellets for longer, and as the wad slows down, and as the pellets diverge, when the pellets Finally (?) pass the wad, very few are influenced by bit because of their dispersed nature, In Comparison to the normal light wad which is thrust back into the shot column more or less the instant the shot leaves the muzzle.

This is "the same only different " to your theory.... and neither should detract from the other in terms of theoretical possibility.

All the best,

Tested the Skychief load today.

I averaged just over 70 shot per sheet at 25 yards.

My pattern was a lot better than before.

I'm still going to continue to dial it in over the next few weeks'

Testing done with my Tip Curtis 16 gauge 44" Colerain Barrel.




Thanks for the info Skychief. :hatsoff: :thumbsup:

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