Why this muzzleloader regulations

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Not law yet... Just being talked about behind closed doors.. About every 5 years VAGC revisits season and bag limits . Will be at a meeting near you soon.
A source within the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources told me that it is not happening. It was discussed because citizens posed the question/proposal on the annual public input surveys that DWR sends out.

While Virginia has some strange definitions of primitive firearms, straight-wall cartridge rifles will not be one of them.
The bag limit and annual and possession.

I'm guessing I can stock the freezer because it's no annual limit.Or am I limited to possession limit in the freezer
Possession you own what's in the freezer, eh? Can't have 100 when possession is the two-day limit of say 2-4. Yep they will need a warrant to search your freezer but they will have one if the need it
Possession you own what's in the freezer, eh? Can't have 100 when possession is the two-day limit of say 2-4. Yep they will need a warrant to search your freezer but they will have one if the need it

This is what I thought.

But I'm not arguing that your wrong either.

If there's any annual limit I think you have to be careful too.


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Well it is my belief that Congress makes law. Not unelected desk setters. I will not do anything truly unethical while hunting. But i would have a hard time tolerating stuff like that. Not telling you what to do here, but some things they expect is just too stupid to support. I'm thankful my state hasn't resorted to that kind of stuff yet. Or maybe they have. Since I don't read the papers or watch any news I wouldn't know. I like it that way...
Fishing is worse I think.

Looks at what there doing to stripper bass.. it's a garbage fish loaded full of who knows what pcbs and all..

Its a garbage fish.

Tons of little ones to catch to.. catch them all day.

It's garbage fishing. I have never found good stripper bass fishing outside of used toilet water.
I don't care for circle hooks either. You have to use circle hooks now only.

I stopped fishing for stripper years before these new regulations.

I'll like the flounder and or flukes. Flukes fun to catch too.

And I could can catch stripper bass.. it's not hard.
They closed the herring runs.. you can walk across the river they get thick.

We regularly sportsman fishers. Should be allowed a limit. A couple.

getting your balls busted by the wardens for not having a "Receipt". I had to say. They were rotten ocean herring from the bait store that don't look anything like the river herring.
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I caught this fish over the years though.

I lived close to a herring run... I used to fish them allot all night. I think I liked just being there on a nice night like that.

There all still in there big fish small fish lots of bass there.. you can't use herring but. I could go right now blow up an eels with my bike pump and catch them.
I. Guess it's good for story to.. when i was a kid I would ride my bike down the river.

I was down that river one day.. it was rain thick as soup.

Only person there. Just me. River was running hard. High water and all.

They keep the flood gates or locks open or something. Those fish were there.

I fished there till I was around younger 20s....

I used to get up early early and go a couple hours before work have my coffee right there watch the sun come up.
One kinda on subject 😆

Old timers fishing... everyone told one guy not to go back fishing. 🙄

Well he had to go back out. They all said don't go back there Don't go.

He didn't care kept going back catching more..

The warden showed up at there cabin and all he said was I want him and all the fish or I'm coming in the house.

They gave every fish in the house to the warden and said goodbye to there buddy.
A kid next door to me in Maine. Was crying one day in front of the warden.

I guess people steal fire wood up there..

All the wood in the woods and they steal wood I don't know..

They got him on the cameras I think.
#1 birds shot for rabbit?

I thought number 5 went right threw them 🤔

Just checking the rabbit regs and I'm just a little surprised #1. Is that rabbit shot?

I'm new to getting into the rabbit that's why I'm looking.. I have a deposit on a started beagle.

I'll open a thread about it I'm sure when it's here.
Trigger, your regulation calls for no larger than #1.

#1 shot is the largest numbered shot. The only sizes larger than #1 are 0, 00, and 000.

So you can use any shot of #1 shot, or smaller - which ranges from #1 through #9.

Personally, I like to use #5 to #7. Never had #5 go through a rabbit unless I was shooting from 10 yards or less.

Good hunting to you - go bag your daily limit!
No Sunday hunting annoys me...

If you work you get 1 day a week hunting... 3 days the season.

I'm only going that far on the subject.. forum rules you know.

But yea.. they don't tell you why.. they say the deer need to rest for one day that's why? Yea OK.
Not supposed to say this here, but, "Remember the Sabbath day and . . . ". One of the Ten. Self-justify it any way you might, but me, I will comply.
Not supposed to say this here, but, "Remember the Sabbath day and . . . ". One of the Ten. Self-justify it any way you might, but me, I will comply.

Mmm kinda but it's the people who don't hunt have vote against it.. it's a state thing not fish n game.

They like to have a day for them to hike without hunters.. sharing the woods..
Read the book every year...

Like Pheasant stocked lands is sunrise.sunset... everywhere else is the 1/2 before and 1/2 after.

They used to end archery a day early before gun.. so that day was gray you think one season ends the new begins..

Zones... rules per zone..

We have deer.. they could hand out a doe permit good for more than one zone.. but they cut it up worse than pizza.. be nice to buy a state doe tag.. I don't like being stuck in the one zone I pick.

Fishing is worse I think...

We were searched the whole house ounce.. my grandfather new they did that.. he had every limit counted and dated. And separated my fish his fish.. they just show up and it's a raid...

we were legal..

He welcomed them In too lol. he was like I know you watch me. I've been waiting for you...
YES. Keep up with changes. We are responsible to comply. If we are caught breaking a law we don't agree with, we are as guilty as those who disregard any law.
The fish is tricky.

People don't realize yea they up north all week and caught the legal limit each day. That's OK.

But you can't transport all those fish home. Only possessions limits I think.

only fished 2 or 3 days up NH.. I think that maxed us for fish to transport. Back then I don't remember I was young. But I know my grandfather would only transport so many.
Is tuff.. like I caught fish all year..

But for the trip hunting i saved fish for one night. Caught all summer.

But to transport "frozen" fish for everyone.. I don't know.. I've been looking.

I didn't transport them but I wondered if you could.. they took them in the truck with everyone and everyone had the permits so.. I'd think that helps
Possession you own what's in the freezer, eh? Can't have 100 when possession is the two-day limit of say 2-4. Yep they will need a warrant to search your freezer but they will have one if the need it
Probably cause is basis enough for warrantless searches. But how you got what is in your freezer is very difficult to ascertain. Each case is different. A fellow shoots two turkeys on one day when only one is permitted. Puts both in his freezer. One has a tracking collar placed by game dept biologist. When it stops moving, biologist goes to see what happened. Freezer owner said he fired at one but accidentally killed two. A real case. He gets convicted of over the limit, failing to check the legal one. Fined, plus replacement cost. Point is, once wardens arrived and their tracking device indicated the collar was within 20 feet, they had probable cause to look in the freezer. Found both birds, not plucked or cleaned. The hunter was a cop. Lots of hunters have no problem with breaking game and fish laws. They don't take such restrictions seriously for whatever reason. Game laws are different from traffic laws in that the game violation has no bearing on public safety. Hunters think no big deal. But game law violations are criminal offences. Goes on your criminal record. Another issue wardens face is that so very many violations go undetected. That is why violators are seldom warned. They are charged. And being a criminal charge, they don't get to pay it off. They go to trial. I'm for obeying game laws to the letter. The hunter's opinion of such offences matter not at all.

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