Wood powder/shot flask

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clint campbell

36 Cal.
Nov 4, 2007
Reaction score
Found this old piece at a gunshow and wondered if anyone else has anything like it. The shoulder strap has brass bead chain as does the wood caps that close it which makes me believe its not that old. It still has old powder and shot in it. Thanks for lookin. c
Looks European- Austrian or German. Possibly Swiss, or Italian. I don't know of anything like that made or used here in the States. Any markings on it to give a clue as to origin, or age?
No idea on that one, but there are wooden ones around. A friend is professional carver, and one of his commissions was to dupe an original that someone. This guys a pro and does unbelievable work. By the time he was done you would swear the new ones he made had been around a couple of hundred years. This doesn't resemble his, but that doesn't mean a thing. As for the bead chain helping date it, better minds than mine will have to chime in....
-----everything I ever made from wood looked like it was 100yrs old----- :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: -----not much of a wood worker----- :surrender: :surrender: :surrender:
I can find no marks on it at all,here are a couple more pics the little hand carved wood pieces that hold the chain to the leather are cool.

It does look german, I saw one that was very simalar at a rondy, That one was a little more fancy but the mechanics were the same, it also had an embroydered strap in a floral pattern.The body of the container was also painted in a floral pattern. The owner said that it came from a friend in germany.
bead chain has been around since at least 1914 aparently, i just found out :confused: , since it is unplated brass, they havent used that for a wile, mainly replaced by stainless. it is old....but as in maby around 50 or less years, my guess....
I was going to vote middle-eastern or African. Late 19th , early 20th century.
That is an interesting find and an enigma....it could be old with the chain added later? The chain certainly looks like old pull-chain light fixture chain, 'course it could be from something else, too. Now, let's see.....hmmmmm, what stories can we make up about it to enhance it's mystique? Emery
I found this diggin around on the net(BEAD CHAIN®, or "ball chain" as it was formerly known, was patented in this country in 1867. Prior to the organization of Bead Chain Manufacturing Company, now called Bead Industries, Inc) I was told it was made by American indians and there are a couple od decorative dangles on the strap which might lead one to believe that but who knows,thats the cool thing about old stuff.

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