At least so far, all that posted here, have more than one ramrod. Way too many times, I see a guy use the wood ramrod that came with the gun and break it. Now, he is scrambling and coming to the internet to find out how to make a ramrod, just so he can clean his gun! I have nothing against a good wood ramrod at all, I just be sure you have more than one. Yes, I know it isn't supposed to happen, but I have broke a ramrod. Now, if I break a ramrod, I just go ahead and make about 2 extras. Nothing is worse to me, then to have to scramble to make a ramrod to clean a dirty bore, or to be in hunting season and not have an extra ramrod. All of my range rods are steel, with bore guides on them. Because I am lazy, I have a complete rod for each caliber or gauge I own. Seems as if over the years, they breed!