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50 Cal.
Dec 3, 2012
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Duck season reopened today for the late hunt and my old buddy and I decided to take my 12 ft duck boat and float the shallow river one guy up front on point ready to shoot basically laying down to lower profile, the other in the back steering the boat. He had a 10 ga double Pedersoli, I had a CVA 12 ga double. We accidentally floated around a corner and past a group set up and was and said sorry and continued down river 50 yards and my buddy see's ducks and touches off a shot we collect a few ducks and continue floating with the guys yelling at us. We get to the take out spot and the game warden is waiting on us because he was told we were using a punt gun ha ha ha.. Not quite but still funny. The GW got a good laugh and asked us if our guns were plugged in a joking manner. Had a great day, even with the drama which to be honest added to the fun.
I've only had a hunting license checked twice in my lifetime but I have had my fishing license checked once or twice a year when on big lakes and once two portages in on a secluded lake. My fishing buddies say they only get checked when they come with me. :v:
Ya I can see that,
BA-BOOM,, great shards of burning orange powder going off with the following cloud of smoke,,
Birds knocked backwards a foot before they drop straight down.
You shouldn't scare the Natives like that, :haha:
:rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

I can only imagine the conversation that went on in those guy's blind after the shot!!!
Trust me they frequent private lands in many places. I know of property damage caused by them (messing with game cams, driving on crops, newly planted trees) Your lucky if you live in a part of the country where they don't show up uninvited. The warden in this story sounded like a pretty nice guy, he reminds me of one of the old timey ones we used to have around that have all passed away or retired.
2 Tall has lots of experience with the fish cops. I do too.
Even though I haven't done anything wrong, they make me nervous and when they hassle me I get angry. And it seems they always try to 'bait' me by asking things like, "Weren't you hunting here last Tuesday when we found that dead doe?"

Just check my license, and permits and go away. :td:
I'm out a lot, but I bet I get checked at least half a dozen times a year between fishing and hunting. Always polite and interested in talking about what I'm seeing with the animals and fish. Bucnha good guys in Alaska. But if you're snippy with them, I'm sure they'll meet you more than half way.
Every time I get checked the GWs get really interested in my hunting equipment when I pull out one of my home made selfbows or a flintlock rifle.

I guess they realize that a guy carrying such equipment and doing it the hard way is unlikely to violate.

I did kill an illegal deer on a management area hunt a couple years ago. Thought it was doe but it had spikes behind it's ears when I walked over to pick it up, it had to have 3 on a side to be legal.

I promptly loaded it up and drove to the checking station to turn myself in. The GW asked" didn't you see those spikes in your scope" at which point I pulled my Beck flintlock out of the case,"no scope" I said.

The GW admitted that in all their years of checking deer no one had brought in an illegal deer and admitted their wrong doing like I did. All apparently loaded them up and headed to the house hoping they wouldn't get caught on the way.

The flintlock, my old age eyes and the fact that I taught hunter safety for them for 10 years got me a warning ticket instead of the real thing, and I got to keep my deer.
Patocazador said:
2 Tall has lots of experience with the fish cops. I do too.
Even though I haven't done anything wrong, they make me nervous and when they hassle me I get angry. And it seems they always try to 'bait' me by asking things like, "Weren't you hunting here last Tuesday when we found that dead doe?"

Just check my license, and permits and go away. :td:
Yep, You must hunt public land. GW behind every other bush and 99% are jerks.
Patocazador said:
2 Tall has lots of experience with the fish cops. I do too.
Even though I haven't done anything wrong, they make me nervous and when they hassle me I get angry. And it seems they always try to 'bait' me by asking things like, "Weren't you hunting here last Tuesday when we found that dead doe?"

Just check my license, and permits and go away. :td:
Well where I hunt is 2 miles at best from where the state park is on Milford Lake here in Kansas. They have 3 game wardens that work out of the park and thye are veryyyyyy active. I also hunt on Fort riley Army base as well and the river has a 5 mile long river walk trail that goes from milford Lake cuts through the military base, any gun shots and the walkers call the game wardens and usually both the Military police Game Wardens and the state boys both show up. The biggest issue is people don't understand they are walking on a trail through a designated hunting area. It's alotta BS to hunt and fish around here and in the 2 years I have lived here have been stopped by or ran into the GW no less then 25 times. They all pretty much know me by now and my truck and both my duck boat and bass boat. Its a ritual whenever I take anyone new the first time to check all their licenses and tags to make sure their legal to avoid issues later on. But I have to admit I was ticketed for not having my hunter safety card on me when I first moved here but it was thrown out when I showed it in court but I still had to pay $100 court cost. Then add in all the fact the Army Corp of Engineer security guys have the authorization to stop and check you as well if on the lake, or in designated hunting areas they operate and maintain such as one of the numerous wetland areas some are no outboard motors allowed and they are allowed to write tickets and check you as well. Ya have enough local law around here as well, and they patrol the boat ramps DUI hunting. They can't write wildlife offenses but they are allowed to check ya and call in the GW to cite fines. It's crazy I grew up in Michigan and seen a GW maybe 5 times in 38 years I have lived/ hunted/ fished there. But then again Kansas has huge monster bucks, the best walleye fishing I have ever seen 18 inch limit on the lake, so the GW are doing a great job protecting the resources and I am all for it..
Yes sir it is. I have no issue at all because I follow the law and if I have any question about anything that might be unclear I drive up there and ask face to face vs. over the phone.
Last GW I saw was when I was bowfishing. Some regular anglers saw me doing something they'd never seen, and pointed the warden my way. No trouble at all. He declined my offer of a couple of carp though.
Trust me they frequent private lands in many places

I wonder how they get around the 4th Amendment, unless they can actually see an illegal act in progress from public areas. Here in the People's Republic of Maryland, an anti-gun state and getting worse, the GW cannot enter onto private land without a landowner complaint or permission, OR when they see an illegal act from a spot where they are allowed to be..., called "in plain view". So I understand that a GW on a public road looking into a field with binoculars and sees goose hunters shoot a swan or shoot out-of-season ducks can then walk over to the hunters, but they can't go wandering around simply because they feel like it. Neither can a standard LEO like myself.

Game wardens don't have to have search warrants, as far as I know they can search anything on you, your vehicle or your property with minimal suspicion.

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