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(and I been figger'n fer'a few years now) SSE is sum kind'a "roman numberal" or sumpthin!! :hmm: :: :eek: :haha:

Do you suppose it means $1.29 ?????? :rolleyes:

S = 1
C = 30

S SC = 1 plus 30-1

(I know "C" = 100 in Roman Numerals, just trying to decipher what SSC stands for)
And thus was born, Chickenfax. The nice thing about it, nobody else has that name. So when I need an online persona, it is always available. :)

And thus was born, Chickenfax. The nice thing about it, nobody else has that name. So when I need an online persona, it is always available. :)


did you find that cartoon or draw it cause i know you do....if ya drawn it for this post replie yur good :master:........bob
All you guys hafta do is jus check my bio, that'll 'splain everthin!! :blah: :blah: :crackup: :crackup:

BUT, I will say 'cept fer a few minor deetails, rollingb is jus about right!!

Regards, sse
All you guys hafta do is jus check my bio, that'll 'splain everthin!! :blah: :blah: :crackup: :crackup:

BUT, I will say 'cept fer a few minor deetails, rollingb is jus about right!!

Regards, sse

So, its either "South south east" or "Sheep shagging emigrant"..... See what happens when you leave things to people's imagination....

OK! You made your point!

I assume you aren't using "shag" in the sense that we used to "shag" golf balls at the range??!!??

Regards, _________
All you guys hafta do is jus check my bio, that'll 'splain everthin!! :blah: :blah: :crackup: :crackup:BUT, I will say 'cept fer a few minor deetails, rollingb is jus about right!!Regards, sse

and i thought it stood fer ( Super Short Elf ) :crackup: :crackup:..................bob
Usta have a cattle ranch, then my X wife owned the cattle ranch, and I cowboyed a rubber tired caterpiller loading logs and feeding a venier mill for 30 years. Retired now, and about all I have left of the past ranch life is my saddle, a lariat rope and a neat picture of me shooting a musket off my old cow pony. When that musket went off I found out that dang horse had a passing gear that he'd never let me know about before. He dropped down a gear and we scooted. Every man is entitled to one good horse and one good dog in his life time, and back then I had 'em both. I chose the name cowhand because in my dreams that's what I'd like to do, but in real life I have more sense.
Hey fellas,.... I finally got verification thet I was right 'bout "South South/East's" name.

At 10:07 this morn'n I called thet " area ", and talked to a fella thet verifided thet "South South/East's" name is listed in the phone book, in fact the fella said he knew SSE personaly and thet he lives approimately 1 1/2 blocks south south/east of wher the "big oak tree" use'ta be!

You fellas don't believe me???? (check fer yoreselves! :haha:)

Another avocation of mine (yes, I'll admit it - even over and above flintlocks :eek:) is music, being a pianist, organist, and choir director. My music teacher called me "Maestro" as a kid (one of those child progedies [sic]) ...although, come to think of it, NO ONE does any more! Hmmmm... :hmm: should that be telling me something?

Over the past few years I've been able to put my very ecletic interests (Christianity, keyboard and choral music, guns, hunting, etc.) together by their historical aspects - specifically, link all these interests with the common denominator of another interest - 18th century history! That naturally led me to obtain a flintlock - and that's why I'm here! ::


ok, OK!! I'll talk!! Gosh, you guys!!

While back me and some buds down the street decided to start a little fledgling company and since I was the brains of the plan, I thought I would name it after myself. "sse" stands for "seventh son (what I am) enterprise". Well we thought better of it and decided to go with a name better suited to the industry. And its a good thing because the biz has seen modest but steady growth since its inception. I started all of this internet stuff with "sse" and just stuck with it for the same reason everbuddy else does. There you go.

Regards, sse

P.S. Oh, the name of the company we formed is "Microsoft". :blah: :blah: :crackup: :crackup:

P.P.S. Just kiddin.
Well we still don't know what sse stands for but we know you're plum full of IT!
And I bet "Ole Anonimous" is looking for ya and he's an ex cop! :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
Ya better watch out!
Ya better not pout!
Ya better not shout!
Anonimous is lookin' for you!

Halftail= Cause I only get Half the tail I used too......

No not really.I was out huntin deer in the South mountain range in NS with a gang of fellow frontstuffers when while having lunch our attention turned to shooting Squrills.My turn came and I drew a good sight with my smooth bore 12 loaded with a round ball ,let strip and the Squrill went compleatly berzerk,spinnin circles runnin up and down trees.Finally stopping on a branch to give us a scolding of a lifetime.When we noticed half his tail was gone.....
I used to be a very good long distance runner in my younger days. One evening, a group of us kids was challenged by one of the parents to run to the stop sign 3 miles away around the block, touch it, and back to win a throwing knife. I figured I could win this one easily and put everything I had into it. It was dark by the time I returned a full 20 minutes ahead of everybody else and of course, was accused of not running the full course. I told them I figured that would happen, and that that's why I was now socking footed. I tied my tennis shoes to the top of the stop sign! One of the boy's father was indian and called me Nightwind. The name stuck, and I still have that knife to this day, 40 years later.
I teach 6th grade Sunday school in my church and one of the things that I do is give all the kids a book mark that has the meaning of their name and a bible phrase. Kids like it when they get to laugh at the teacher in fun so I tell them the meaning of my name, which is He-bear in Celtic. My wife says the name fits because I am as big as a bear and in the morning with my fuzzy house coat and low growl trying to wake up I look and feel like a bear.
I prefer the Ohio frontier border wars era, 1770-1795, which involved too many well known names and cemented the traditional image of the frontier "long hunter"/"long knives". One Eastern Indian word for them was "ashelocoa". Don't know what language for sure, but I believe Algonquian origin.