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I am a retired Navy CPO, served from '54 to '76 (yikes, I been retired longer than I served!! :eek:). Never one to "hang around the fort" after I retired, but have fond memories and pride in service. I haven't seen anybody else's handle reflecting a maritime background, so I chose Bluejacket. BTW, I am not REALLY retired--can you say 'mortgage'?
Sebago is a lake in southern Maine and the public water supply for the area in which I live. I chose my name a couple of years ago when registering at another forum, the idea being that a friend also from Maine posting there would recognise me. It worked like a charm and so I figured I may as well use it everywhere.
My last name means Crickett (The bug) in my grandparents native tongue. I felt I had to "Macho" it up a bit, hence the Iron part. Guess it's better than Scared Crickett!!!
On an Arizona archery elk hunt, I was scorned by the ol' timers of my group (I'm 29) for running all over the countryside every time I heard a bugle instead of setting up and being methodical. Sometimes this habit carries over into my gobbler hunts. I could be more patient if they would just shut-up!
Mine is one of the self-explanatory handles.

TexasMLer = Texas + Muzzleloader + um, er :haha:
Mine is pretty unoriginal.

Back in college, I crewed on a race team one season. We were based out of Road Atlanta - the Pork Chop as it is known. Later, I had a surfing buddy that thought that Pork Chop was a great nickname. Yes, I am overweight, so he tried hard to force that name to stick. I fought it off though. As years went on, I moved to Florida and started going to the Turkey Rod Run in Daytona on a regular basis. Part of the routine is that I buy lunch from one of the vendors - yes, you guessed it - a HUGE pork chop - on the lines of a pound and a half on a bun. So, when I was registering, I was feeling punchy and figured that the name from the other interest would not make sense (SPL310) or it's more common name would be plain wierd (FairLady), so Pork Chop it is.:yakyak:

Extra points if you figure out what a SPL310 Fairlady is... :thumbsup:
Back in the '70s I had a CB radio, and I needed a handle. A friend said as much Dr.Pepper as I drank I was getting a Pepperbelly instead of a beer belly.
It just sorta feels right.
Extra points if you figure out what a SPL310 Fairlady is...


Always partial to a '59 Austin-Healy 3000 Mk I myself.

Cool! Very good!! That book is a good read btw.

The AH has good styling, but the Datsun has better balance in my opinion. I am installing the 2000 with solex carbs, so it should be fun. I will shut up now - wrong forum to ramble about this...
I'm guessed it.....Kentucky, and my nickname from age 14 was "Buckwheat" and this means any variation thereof. The ones I remember, Wheat, Wheatster, Wheatcakes (a girl), Buckmodium, Buckmiester, Buck and Bucky. It was all in good fun and I don't mind what they call me as long as they call me to dinner!
Picked mine up years ago from a co-worker who used it as the name of his bowling team. Thought it was unique and not likely to be duplicated. Just try reading it backwards!
Old Forty-Rod.... Old Forty-Rod whiskey, the likker of choice for our nearly departed ancestry.

Names that the troops gave to sutler and other whiskey included rot-gut, old red-eye, oil of gladness, tanglefoot knock-knee, popskull, Oh be joyful, knock-em-stiff, and forty-rod whiskey.

Suspect the phrase originally had something to do with "rod" as a distance measure, with 40 rods being equal to a furlong. Perhaps if you drank it, it either sustained you long enough to travel that far, or you were passed out by the time you got there... ::
Me, I'm a fool for huntin' so there ya go I'm a Huntinfool. It's also my e-mail name and I'm listed in the phone book as you guessed it last name Fool first name Huntin. I was Contributing Field Editor for Better Beagling Magazine for a while and they gave me The byline of "The Original Huntin' Fool"! So it has to be that here also.

I love to hear the solicitors call and try and sell Mrs. Fool something LOL! They try and pronounce it every way but Fool (like full, fowl, foil. BTW I'm the only Fool in the phone book! Imagine that!

I always tell people I love to hunt more than eat and you can tell by looking at me I love to eat! :crackup:

Wal..Ah says, whar are Ah from? an Ah answers Why Hell, don't ye know whar ye's from? Ye's from Arizonie ya DS. So's Ah says, Oh Ya!! Ah'm Zonie!
Been har fer o'er 54 yars so Ah guess tha name kinda fits me.

Signin "Just Jim" comes frum tha Trappin days an tha Cowboy days.
Seems some folks warn't wantin other folks ta kno what thar last names wer out har so whan folks asked what thar full name wer thay said thins like "Jus Jim".
Hump on your back too Griz? ;0

Sell that front stuffer yet?

My excuse of a name... I'm not original but I am suprised that it wasn't taken already.
My maternal Grandfather was of Creek indian ancestory. One day when I was much younger he and his 3 brothers were watching me break a dark bay horse. After the horse quit bucking and settled down the oldest uncle pronounced;
"Today you have a name. You are Rides a darkhorse."

Now I raise Black Arabian horses and when I was getting started on forums and needed a handle, out of the past the memory came of that day long ago when my Grandfather and his brothers were still alive. It just seemed appropriate.

For a long time this name was not shared with others and eventually almost forgotten. And the name meant little to me. But now the old days and the old ways are gone, as are the old ones who would give a name for deeds done and witnessed. And now that I have climbed the mountain and am making my way down the other side, older and wiser I hope, the name now means something and is a tie to younger days when the future lay before me.
So I remain "Darkhorse".
Mine came about many springs ago as I was listening to a bunch of gobblers trying to outdo one another on a ridge top. I began calling it Gobbler Knob. Here it is some 25 + years later and I now own that same hilltop. Offspring of those same gobblers still try to outdo each other every spring, only now, I'll be able to listen to them from my porch (Once I build my house!)
I am a retired firefighter but that has nothing to do with my handle, that would be way too cliche.

Instead, it has something to do with the fringe on my hunting frock igniting when I got too close to the heater at a rendezvous.

I used to just sign my real name, Frank, when posting here. When I related the story of the frock to the guys on this forum - Stumpkiller called me Smoked Frank. I liked it and kept it. Then, in reply to one of my dumb questions, one of the guys just called me Smoked. I liked that too and now use that as my screen name but still sign my messages with Frank.

My rendezvous name is neither of the above.
I started using "HardBall" on other forums, and wanted to stick with the same screen name- Also...

I like shooting 230gr FMJ bullets in 1911 style .45 autos. Since I also shoot/reload hard cast SWC bullets in my other pistols, I chose "HardBall". Since I'm only interested in shooting patched round balls in MLs, I just kept the same name.

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