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  1. M

    SMR cheek piece moulding

    Here are a couple on rifles that I've built. I draw lines, to make sure I like what I see. From some of the work I've seen on the forum, it looks like some folks just start cutting blind. I start with a small (sharp) v gouge, and tap it with a mallet. Using a mallet gives you much better...
  2. M

    Just Joined from the PNW

    A belated welcome, and hello, from Northeast Washington.
  3. M

    Barrels finished "in the white".

    Two rifles I built from a blank. The top is my personal gun, which I left in the white. The bottom went to a customer, and I did apply the artifice of aging to it. My rifle was about five years old when the photo was taken. Even today, three years later, My gun looks about the same. Just a...
  4. M

    How many grains powder should I use to prime?

    As you become familiar with your gun, it will tell you how much to prime. A good place to start is with the pan half full. The cost to prime, alone, isn't worth worrying about.
  5. M

    Thoughts on Chambers locks?

    I build two or three guns a year, and I always use Chambers locks, unless it's a lefty. I have two personal rifles; a .50 Southern Mountain gun, and a .58 early styled plain gun. My southern gun has a Chambers Late Ketland, and my early gun has their Early Ketland. Both are very fast locks!
  6. M

    Question about possible SMR butt plate problem?

    As long as it's not warped, or damaged in any way, it's fine. The color will come off as you file and clean up the cast surface on that butt plate. Originally, iron but plates (trigger guards, locks, etc...) were forged, then filed. They didn't have the matted surface that results from...
  7. M

    Ramrod stuck in stock

    My advice is to leave your gun alone! Your ramrod hole is probably drilled exactly like it's supposed to be... and is not the problem. The problem is a ramrod not properly fitted to the gun. The choice between working a ramrod, and messing with a properly built gun, should be a no brainer...
  8. M

    How/where do you store spare flints?

    Altoids can. In it, I keep tow, for cleaning; a half dozen flints; and a piece of leather. A flint wallet adds too much bulk for me.
  9. M

    That red color...

    Each piece of wood is different. Any two pieces will come out different, using the same stains, of combinations thereof. I always use a scrap piece to experiment on. For the gun pictured I used a combination of tannic acid, iron nitrate, LMF maple, and LMF cherry stains. It took four times...
  10. M

    Powder Charge for a .58

    Pretty rifle. Did you build from a blank, or a kit? I ask because it looks like you used Kibler parts.
  11. M

    Make a left\right hand interchangeable?

    Inletting for two locks, with mainsprings, and a sear hole that must go all the way through, will leave a stock quite weak in what is already the weakest part of the stock. Possible, if someone really put their mind to it. But not practical at all... or safe, to my thinking. Wait for a good idea.
  12. M

    Max Woodsrunner 54 Load

    Magnumitis and round balls do not go together. Moderate loads, in whatever caliber, will be absolutely effective on game, with proper shot placement. If shot placement is poor, a round ball at higher velocity will be no more effective, and will result in a wounded animal. I currently shoot a...
  13. M

    Frizzen half sole, long time ago

    Sounds like a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
  14. M

    Jax Black lock plate

    Jax Black does little, if anything at all, to protect the metal. It's for color only, and wears off easily. The best defense against corrosion is a light coat of oil.
  15. M

    Lengthening barrel pin holes on Kibler SMR

    Are you suggesting slotting the pin holes in your stock? Think that one through.