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Do you display your flintlock or other guns in your home

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Mike in FL

50 Cal.
Jul 2, 2022
Reaction score
Ormond Beach FL
As of recently, I do. As I sit in my living room right now, I can see four. I'm 75 and started wondering why I don't enjoy them every day I have left. Should have done it years ago. I know chance of theft is enhanced many times over by leaving them out of the safe. In my case, I have no one interested in guns to leave them to. I do take precautions though. Secure them if I leave overnight and close the curtains after dark, plus I placed them high and out of reach. A bit risky still. When my eyes rest on any particular one, it "talks" to me, reminding me of previous adventures in the wildwood or at the range. How about you?
Most of mine are displayed, but are also secured. There is a step or two to get most of the displayed guns off of the racks. The more modern stuff is either secured or strategically placed. Very rarely is nobody home. And the rare occasions everyone is gone, it still looks like someone is there.

Displaying my smoke poles over the last year has given me opportunity to introduce others to the hobby.
As a rule, I don't display firearms. As special as my flintlocks are, they stay out of sight, stored like a firearm. Which is a shame, because they are so neat.

Ditto. I did display mine for a few years but when we moved i didn’t put them up. It would be nice but I feel it's putting them at risk for theft.

I don't, and never have, had guests or friends to my home that concerned me but people converse and others overhear...... so.
Ditto. I did display mine for a few years but when we moved i didn’t put them up. It would be nice but I feel it's putting them at risk for theft.

I don't, and never have, had guests or friends to my home that concerned me but people converse and others overhear...... so.
A legitimate concern, that idle talk. I do have one more safeguard - I live in a gated community.
As of recently, I do. As I sit in my living room right now, I can see four. I'm 75 and started wondering why I don't enjoy them every day I have left. Should have done it years ago. I know chance of theft is enhanced many times over by leaving them out of the safe. In my case, I have no one interested in guns to leave them to. I do take precautions though. Secure them if I leave overnight and close the curtains after dark, plus I placed them high and out of reach. A bit risky still. When my eyes rest on any particular one, it "talks" to me, reminding me of previous adventures in the wildwood or at the range. How about you?
I'm with you! Plus I'm lucky to live in a pretty safe area, but I realize the possibilities. Most thieves wouldn't know which end of a muzzleloader was front!
I'm with you! Plus I'm lucky to live in a pretty safe area, but I realize the possibilities. Most thieves wouldn't know which end of a muzzleloader was front!
I agree with that statement! My thought that comes to mind about the crook: "Oh lookie here, valuable antiques!" Out the door they go.
They get dumber and greedier every day. Grab and run.
I like display, but hiding or locking up is a better guarantee you will keep on shootin.
I display them, more or less. Some have pride of place on the wall. Some are stacked in corners. A heritage of uncles, aunts and greats in the SW Virginia hills.
A half mile lane to the house with no cover or concealment. Security system. 7o Pound dog. And me, armed or within reach of a weapon. This is rural and That is no guarantee but it's a lot better than city/suburban.
Miscreants may cause me to take precautions, but beyond that I can not let them govern my life.
I don't currently but have been giving it some thought recently. If I do hang one or two, I think I'd like a glass case; to keep some of the dust off, deter touching and theft, and hopefully convince the wife that it counts as framed art...not just a tool hanging from hooks on the wall.
I used to have a few ML rifles displayed on the wall of my den and the rest were in a gun rack in a closet but not locked up. One day in 1985, while we were out of town for the weekend someone broke in and stole guns, jewelry, and video equipment. Ever since then I keep everything in the safes except for a couple of pistols I keep at hand. Never did recover anything from the theft and I believe someone from my workplace knew I was out of town and tipped someone off. This was in Minnesota - a few months later I transferred to Georgia and have always kept valuables in safes.
according to the better part of this household, there is one in every corner, and a dozen in the glass front cabinet.
i only get the stink eye if i leave a gun case sticking out from under the bed where she can stub her little toe on it .
i head for foreign regions when that happens.
i spend 24/7 right here so if the bad guys want my guns we will have a dance first.
We have had plumbers, kitchen remodelers, new windows installed, physical therapists etc. etc. in the last year or so in the house, everyone of those people may be honest as the day is long but I do not know who they talk to at the pub or around the holiday table.

The less people who know about my stuff the better.