All this discussion about which gun, which caliber, roundball, conicals all come down to one thing, the gun you have on you at the time you need a gun, is always the right gun. Most times, I carry a .22 North American Arms revolver in my pocket. Why? It's small and easy to conceal. In my many years, too many years? Never had a would- be attacker laugh and tell me my gun was too small. In fact, a 'mouse-gun' as some call the .22 will stop all but the most determined attacker. Sometimes, I carry my 1911 in .4ACP when concealability isn't a concern. Then there are those times I feel nostalgic and carry my .44 c&b. How effective your chosen firearm is is determined, mostly by shot placement, and how much you practice with your chosen weapon. Then, there are other times when the 'pucker factor' I call it, makes your would-be attacker. 'pucker' when you are forced to display your weapon.