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  1. B

    Dealing with shotgun misfires

    On my Double Barrel the Left Barrel the nipple wasn't lining up with the Hammer,got that fixed never had a problem. Blue Smoke
  2. B

    Shot Placement

    Bunch of us are going up by Rolla.I was checking on places in Tennessee and Oklahoma.This by far is the best deal and its close to home. I'll send you a Link. Blue Smoke
  3. B

    Shot Placement

    Going Hog Hunting this weekend.Using 54Cal.,Patch and Ball. Where do I want to place my shot?? Blue Smoke
  4. B


    Cat makes a better Banjo Head :rotf: Blue Smoke
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    What ever I use its Head shots so I don't mess up any meat. Blue Smoke
  6. B

    Hog hunting/Russian Boar

    Thats what I was thinking of using with 385gr. Great Plains bullet. I had a friend that shot two with 240gr. Sabot no problem. Blue Smoke
  7. B

    CVA Hawken

    Early '80's Blue Smoke
  8. B

    CVA Hawken

    Well just got off the phone with CVA.they said it is a Hunter Hawken,all original,its 1:48 twist. Blue Smoke
  9. B

    CVA Hawken

    Thanks Guys I'll probably call CVA see what they tell me.Figure I didn't get hurt too bad for $60. :grin: Blue Smoke
  10. B

    CVA Hawken

    Here it is.Very plain Here is the Barrel end Blue Smoke
  11. B


    Common practice to boil Traps,throw them in the grass,let them rust,boil Walnut hulls,put Traps in there,let the color,then melt some Beeswax in there,stir them around.Pull them out they are dyed and waxed. Blue Smoke
  12. B

    CVA Hawken

    I know what you are saying runner.I have one you are thinking of. The barrel on this one is cut off flat on the end and much thicker metal. I'm thinking it is one of the first CVA Hawken.It is a much heavier Rifle than than the Newer ones. Sorry about the Pic about as good as I can get with...
  13. B

    CVA Hawken

    Something that might help is.The only things stamped on it is that it is a CVA Hawken,50Cal.,made in Spain. But it seems much heavier than my Newer Hawken. Blue Smoke
  14. B

    CVA Hawken

    I bought this CVA Hawken.Seems solid,shoots good.As you can see it is very plain,fixed Sights,Plain Lock. My question is what twist should it be? I know the Newer ones are 1:48. oneshot
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    If you have a metal detector.Go 5 miles West of Boonville,Mo.,North side of the Katy Trail. You might find some Traps that are at least 110 years old. :grin: Blue Smoke
  16. B

    Where to aim

    Its always worked for me to line my Front Sight up with the Front Leg and hold low.I would say only a few percent of your Deer are under shot. Blue Smoke
  17. B

    Turkey / Deer

    Well I know the last few years our biggest predator problem has been Humans,but at least they are equal they've killed out all our Deer and Turkeys around here.But like all other predators they will go somewhere else until populations come back up. You can't have one person taking 50+ Turkeys...
  18. B

    Turkey Distance

    Thats what I'm saying Runner if you use your regular Powder Measurer set it at 120gr. that will put you over on Shot at 1 5/8 oz.,but you are ok with the 90gr.Powder. I'm using 60-80 on Squirrels doing just fine. Blue Smoke
  19. B

    Turkey Distance

    Well I'm using CVA,by the Book it says not to shoot over 1 1/4 oz. of Shot,and same by volume of Powder. I was using 1 5/8 oz. #6 shot,80gr.Pyrodex RS,using a heavy Over Powder Card,and Thin Over Shot Card.Pattern great but according to the Book this is an Unsafe Load. Blue Smoke
  20. B

    Turkey Distance

    What is the max distance on Turkey with 12ga. Modified Choke barrel,Muzzleloader? I'm thinking 25 yards.I feel I should stick with that but there is always that thought that you can stretch it out.I know my Bad!!! Blue Smoke