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2017 Hunt for Bambi

Muzzleloading Forum

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The big cats probably won't bother you.

Unless most of the deer in the area have either been eaten or have moved out of the county. :hmm: :shocked2: :hmm:
Probably wouldn't bother you unless you surprised each other pretty suddenly, but then Murphy didn't write his law cause he was bored that day! Couple of years ago I had the biggest bobcat I've ever seen wander out in front of the stand. Had to be a yard long (not counting tail) and 40 pounds at least. I was so transfixed I just sat there and watched. Took some heat about not shooting him but only shoot what I intend to eat and bobcat etouffee isn't in my cookbook...though I do have a recipe for one made from fox! :wink: :haha:
Not that long ago a couple were in the mountains near here and a bobcat was stalking the woman. When it attacked, her male companion managed to fight it off. He got the worst of the kerfuffle with Mr Kitty. I've seen many down in Ga and even killed a couple with my muzzleloader. I like the wild cats and bears.
Today was the close of the Muzzleloader season for my game management unit.


I did almost get a shot at a nice 3 pointer but:

I saw a momma deer and a fawn clear the forest edge into the cow pasture. Behind them I saw a flash of brown and assumed it was a second fawn. Well mamma does a look around then turns back to the forest and nods and then the buck walks into the clearing. By the time it registered on me it was a buck and I had my hammer back and rifle raised the three of them start to trot across the field. So I set up to lead the shot but by the time I had set up the shot they were out of my maximum personal effective range with the gun I was using. Then they went into a dead run and jumped the fence into the adjacent field. And then they stopped just about 25 yards into the other field. I can't hunt that field. I can hunt the forest my house is on and the field next to my house, but that other field is not open to me.
Now if I had the Hawken I would have taken the running shot.

There was a large flock of turkey I could have snuck up on and I could have filled my tag out. But again the wrong gun...

This is the year of the wrong gun for the moment.

I chose the CVA because it was lighter and it doesn't have a cresent stock. I beat my arm up with the Hawken practicing so I didn't take it with me this year.

I learned to not bother with a possibles bag as all what I need for hunting fits in my jacket and jeans pockets.

I learned that female deer are on the look out for their males during the hunting season. It was obvious as the day with their actions and body language. She was scouting the area out for that buck and called the all clear.

Of interest this year:
I spotted elk poo in a few places near the house.

There was a small mule deer hanging out behind the hill. Small thing and out of place. We are only at 2500-2700 feet on this property. She should be further up the mountain.
This is the year of the wrong gun for the moment.

Been there....Done that. :haha:
Got a big coyote or wolf that's been dogging my house this last week...Every time I see him I either don't have a gun handy or have the wrong gun....He'll slip up. :wink:
For muzzle loaders yes. Soon the modern rifle season opens. I can not hunt that season as I have a muzzle loader only tag.

Now there will be places in the state that will open a late muzzleloader season but I will not be going across the state.
Cynthialee said:
For muzzle loaders yes. Soon the modern rifle season opens. I can not hunt that season as I have a muzzle loader only tag.

Now there will be places in the state that will open a late muzzleloader season but I will not be going across the state.

Glad I hunt in Texas, we do not have to apply for any tags and we get 60 to 90 days depending, to deer hunt.

Good luck next year, it will be better
Your State regs must be radically different than mine. I can't hunt my home state MLer only season with out a MLer tag, but CAN use a MLer in regular firearms season. Our basic license includes a buck tag; doe, archery, and early and late MLer require separate tags. Not being a doe hunter, I've never purchased a doe tag, so limit myself to buck only whether it be regular firearms season or the late MLer season. I filled my tag last season with the rocklock on the first day of regular firearms (buck) season.

Virginia is different as well. I'm a non resident property owner but can hunt my own property without a license. Limit is 2 per day and 6 for the season with no more than 3 bucks to be taken. Early MLer season runs 2 weeks with turkey being in the 1st week and bear the 2nd. Regular firearms season runs for 4 weeks after the early MLer season, and then the late MLer season is in for another 2 weeks. I've hunted there since 2009 but only used a MLer and only pulled the trigger on 3 bucks and longbeard.
I can hunt the rifle season with a muzzleloader but only if I have a General Season deer tag.
What I have is a deer license with small game. I can shoot other critters with regular guns but the deer season I hunt is muzzleloader only.

Now I could have put in for a All Season Pass and that would open my deer tag to be filled during archery muzzleloader or general season, but there is no certainty to get it and it costs too much.

I like to go when I do as it is right after the archers. The weather has started too cool off but not freezing like the general season boys have to suffer through...
excess650 said:
Virginia is different as well. I'm a non resident property owner but can hunt my own property without a license.

That's incredible! I don't know if I've ever heard of a state that allows a non-resident landowner to hunt that land for free! Some states must still respect landowner rights and freedom.

I live next door to Iowa and I know that a non-resident landowner there is in the same boat as every other non-resident...applying for such a limited number of and expensive non-res licenses that you may only be able to hunt your property every few years. In my home state of Minnesota, you just have to pay and pay, and pay again if you want to hunt different seasons.
Here in the Great State of Texas the only thing drawn is an arrow before you use your bow. 20 odd years ago I was stunned when my BIL from AZ told me he had been drawn for rabbits and squirrels! He said all hunting is by draw, so I am blessed. Most of Texas doesn't have a muzzle loader season; 90 of our 254 counties do, but muzzle loader can be used during the 10 week gun season.

We also have generous bag limits; a minimum of 3 deer (2 antlerless) to 5 deer (3 antlerless) in most counties, IIRC.

Dad always said you can't cook antlers so I usually get at least one doe.
The last day of the hunt demonstrated to me how my eyes have become poor in low light. That day was clear as a bell. I could see for miles and with my new glasses that are probably the best I ever have had the world was crisp as high def TV. But once the shadows started to get long and it started to get dim the difference in how well I could see was very pronounced.
I had already painted my front sight with nail polish a few days prior due to noticing I was struggling a bit in low light. But I had no clue it was as bad as it was.

I now get it as to why old dudes in cowboy movies always had a shotgun and young fellas had pistols and rifle. I thought it was a silly trope back in my youth. I didn't realize there was practical reasons.

My grandfather got to only using a shogun because of his eyes, so I know what you mean. Getting cataracts doesn't help either, good luck next year.