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2017 Hunt for Bambi

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Me too, my eyes are getting worse.
Aiming a rifle is getting hard work.
Any of my eyes used individually results in a blurred image.

I like getting closer than 50 yds nowadays. :(

Cynthialee said:
I now get it as to why old dudes in cowboy movies always had a shotgun and young fellas had pistols and rifle. I thought it was a silly trope back in my youth. I didn't realize there was practical reasons.


Not just old guys in movies dear! :wink: I've gotten to the point where I can focus, with glasses, on front sight, rear sight or target but not all three...hence, I've had to go from target to "spray & pray". Rats!
Have learned one thing, yellow lenses, or very light amber, do aid seeing in low light. Since you wear glasses I'd try one of the wrap around larger styles that fit over standard glasses. Cheaper versions are, or were, available from Wallyworld. Bev got a pair to help at dusk, though it was was somewhat academic with her macular degeneration. Might be worth giving it a whirl, cost was under $10, at least then.
When I shot PPC I used liquid paper on my front sight, worked good on dark targets, I could scratch it off if need be. I've missed at least one deer cause the tarnished sight was same color as dead leaves.
I bought some sight paint, worth it's weight in gold. There's a bright green I prefer; the orange and red resemble fall leaves.
I have a peep sight on several modern guns, makes keeping things in focus much easier.
Being a Virginian for the past 9 years has shown me that the various licenses are quite reasonable. I don't have to by a "hunting license". I got a lifetime license for the disabled. Interestingly, I'm now over the age where you get a lifetime permit, anyway. Still have to buy ML permit, deer/turkey and bear permit. Not bad at all.

But I was spoiled by Ga. hunting. Lived there for 62 years and had a disabled license there, too. But when I left the deer limit was still 12 per season with only two bucks. And one of the bucks HAD to have 4pts on a side. I never claimed the limit but came close a few times.

I'll hunt private land here in Va and in WV. The owner has a nuisance deer permit so no license will be required in WV.
Eterry said:
I was stunned when my BIL from AZ told me he had been drawn for rabbits and squirrels! He said all hunting is by draw, so I am blessed. ...
So tell me, how many inches did you gain?

Did it hurt while it was happening?

Must have been expensive, having to replace all of your pants.

He was definitely pulling your leg... HARD. :rotf:

All anyone in Arizona needs to hunt squirrels and rabbits is a valid Hunting license.

There is a season for squirrels but rabbits of all kinds are open season all year long.

Drawing for rabbits! :rotf: :rotf: :grin:
Zonie, you are a character aren't you...

This low light shooting issue just kind of creeps up on you doesn't it?
I didn't even realize I was having low light issues with my sight until I pulled out my rifles for some practice. Then when the last day was perfect conditions for my eyes all day until sun set time came around and my sighting ability tanked rapidly it really sunk in to my head how much low light impacts my vision.
There are a lot of people who take a "very dim view" of hunting but when it happens to a hunter, that's really sad.

"On the bright side", at least everything is fine while it's light outside.
I used to be able to sit and see sights well up to a 1/2 hour after sunset, which is legal quitting time in Minnesota. Now I find myself getting off stand about 15 minutes after sunset...maybe earlier if it's cloudy. The old eyes just don't focus in low light like they used to.
I quit hunting in the evening before most everyone else does. They can stay until 30 min. after sunset but I quit about 5-10 minutes after. If I can't see antlers with my naked eyes, I'm hunting too late.

I also don't like gutting and skinning a deer after dark. The mosquitoes eat you alive.
Patocazador said:
I also don't like gutting and skinning a deer after dark. The mosquitoes eat you alive.

Same here, but mosquitoes are the least of my worries! :rotf: My goal is to have my deer in the back of my truck BEFORE it gets dark. :shocked2:
BrownBear said:
Patocazador said:
I also don't like gutting and skinning a deer after dark. The mosquitoes eat you alive.

Same here, but mosquitoes are the least of my worries! :rotf: :shocked2:

:rotf: Can't imagine what else on Kodiak island might want to eat you!!! :rotf:

Has this post run far enough off course for us now! :eek:ff :wink: :grin: