Flash Pan Dan said:
“Lincoln was shot point blank with a low powered .44 in the head but it took several days before he died.”
On at least two previous occasions you have been corrected that Lincoln did not take days to die. He died the next morning, less than 12 hours after being shot. Please do us all a favor, and refrain from misinformation to prove your personal unfounded opinion.
If you read old accounts people took some pretty serious hits and lived for days.
Today they would likely save most of them. So rather than dying in agony they lie around pumped full of pain killer till they recover.
Head shots are not always instantly fatal but probably well over 99%. I think it was Sam Fadala that put a 54 Rb through a bison's brain side to side. The bull went down then got back up and had to be shot again.
Thinking that the ball had skipped off they checked and it went pretty much through the middle...
Not so long ago I read of jeweler being held up by 2 bad guys, one man had a knife at his throat. Jeweler pulls a 25 auto fired 2 shots, neither perp lived long enough for the cops to arrive. Hit the arteries over the heart they went down on the spot.
Somehow I doubt that a ball from a Colt Navy hitting the same spot would have been less effective. Shot in the abdomen they could have walked out of the place if no major vessels were hit.
Back in the day people got shot in the leg and died the next week. People died of shaving cuts.
In "Cartridges of the World" there is a passage stating that people shot with a 22 RF tend to live pretty normally for about a week then die suddenly. But if shot in a major artery with a 22 they will go down in their tracks and likely never regain consciousness without help. This happened to my Dad but one of my cousins saved his life. Like the perps shot with the 25 auto.
So it comes back to SHOT PLACEMENT.
I have seen deer with pencil sized wound tracks through the lungs die just as quick as one with 1 1 1/2" diameter holes though both lungs and a big hole out the far side. Did not matter how big the holes were the brain ran out of oxygen in about the same distance. Deer were the same species, sex and approximate size.
One of then engagees in Bridgers "Brigade" got shot through both lungs (two balls hit him) as he rode across a stream. Shock broke both arms. I forget how long it took him to die but IIRC death was not instantaneous.
Hickok? He was a pretty good pistol shot with either hand or both at once for accounts of people watching him shoot. Given this the people he shot probably did not linger.
If interested the reader can find a copy of "Gunfighters of the Kansas Cowtowns" and look for newspaper accounts. They may tell how long people lived after being shot some died right away some lived for days and died some recovered (IIRC).