Hllywood has been butchering history for as long as its been around, so its nothing new. There are fools out there, true, who believe what they see in movies is " true " history, so we get lots of people who believe Oliver Stone's JFK, as the truth about who and how the President was assassinated, even when there are plenty of known facts- not conjecture-- that indicate what Stone's script wrote could not have taken place.
I understand your ire at bad history, particularly when its close to home. But, I have gotten over it. The people who would believe this is the actual history of these battles are so stupid their opinions just can be ignorred. Trying to correct the deficiencies in their education would take too much time.
Accept the fact that movie are just entertainment. After all, Mel Gibson got an Oscar for "Braveheart", and that movie butchered Scottish history all over the place, Too! maybe if he does a historical movie on Australia, he might get it right, but you can't expect an "Aussie" to have any idea what the history of other countries are to be accuracte enough to play them right. I thought " The Patriot " was a comination of Disney's " The Swamp Fox ", and the battle at Yorkstown in 1782.